Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX Staff

Beth Lunde-Stockero

Beth Lunde-Stockero

  • Executive Director
  • Title IX Deputy Coordinator
  • Equal Opportunity Officer


  • Oversee the office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX
  • Ensure completion of federal and state compliance requirements related to ​anti-discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and sexual misconduct
Susan Sullivan

Susan Sullivan

  • Associate Director
  • ADA/504 Coordinator

Additional Contact 



  • ADA Accommodations for Employees
  • Budget Manager
  • Monitors faculty and staff hires
  • Leads online employee and student training systems
Abbi Halkola

Abbi Halkola

  • Associate Director
  • Title IX Coordinator
Heather Saari

Heather Saari

  • Coordinator


  • Lead investigator of Formal Complaints for student and employee cases alleging sex based harassment and misconduct under Title IX 
  • Lead investigator for student cases alleging sexual misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct
  • Investigate complaints of discrimination and harassment based on protected class filed by students, employees, or visitors in compliance with federal and state laws, executive orders, and University policies and procedures 
Brenda Anttila

Brenda Anttila

  • Coordinator


  • Development of the University's Affirmative Action Plan
  • Monitor staff and faculty hires
  • Assist with maintaining University compliance in regard to federal and state civil rights laws & regulations
  • Assist with website updates
Sarah Audette

Sarah Audette

  • Senior Office Assistant
Dawn Corwin

Dawn Corwin

  • Prevention Coordinator
  • SAVE Liaison


  • Provides consistent, ongoing sexual violence active and passive prevention awareness, training and on-demand workshops to student groups, and education events to the university community.
  • Oversee annual campus campaigns related to sexual violence prevention, consent, and other related topics. 

  • Attend student/campus event opportunities, in collaboration with SAVE.

  • Liaison to SAVE (Sexual Assault and Violence Education) student organization.

  • Collaborate with community partners, Copper Shores Community Support and Outreach (Formerly Dial Help), and the Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter.