Marketing Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor of Science in Marketing at Michigan Tech offers a technology-driven and creativity-charged curriculum featuring marketing analytics, brand management, and digital media marketing.

Marketing is the only branch of business to prepare innovative professionals through hands-on experiences in integrated marketing communication, new product development, consumer behavior and culture, and sales technology.

Courses—taught by professors and instructors, not graduate students—begin with the basics, then get customized with unique electives: entrepreneurship, technical sales, B2B marketing, global marketing, technical communications, technology and innovation, marketing research, and more.

Michigan Tech is the place to develop a business career fueled by technology and innovation. Our AACSB-accredited BS in Marketing prepares students in business, purchasing, public relations, communications, research, retail, or graduate school to create the future.

  • No. 1
    marketing program in the Midwest, ranked by
  • $6.15M
    total scholarships and grants awarded to undergraduate business students
  • Top 3
    Michigan Tech business students place highly in CMU's New Venture Competition

Tomorrow Needs Innovative Marketers

A degree in marketing can lead to a wide range of career paths. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts market research analysts and marketing specialists as the eighth-highest-paid professionals of the future, followed by wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives.

The Bureau also reports in May 2023 the mean pay as $152,620 per year in the area of advertising and promotions managers. Jobs in this category are expected to grow by 6 percent between 2022 and 2032, faster than average.

Be Career Ready

Earn a business degree from Michigan Tech and graduate career-ready for tomorrow's technology-driven world.

Each year, more than 400 employers come to campus to recruit Huskies at our Career Fairs. Our business grads go on to work at Fortune 500 companies, tech start-ups, small businesses, and everything in between.

Career Opportunities for STEM-powered Marketing

  • Advertising
  • Brand management
  • Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Market research
  • Public relations
  • Technical sales

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about studying marketing at Michigan's flagship technological university.

"Other schools don't emphasize the research behind what marketing can do or the decisions that you can make with all the data."Henry Freridge, undergraduate marketing student

Why Accreditation Matters

As an accredited business college, Michigan Tech assesses student learning to ensure quality for business education and to continuously improve curriculum and programs.

Student Learning Goals

Students in the College of Business can expect to achieve the following learning goals—which also align with University Undergraduate Student Learning Goals:

  1. Technical Competence—Ability to critically analyze and achieve proficiency of information technology
  2. Global Awareness—Skill in emerging trends and ability to see global perspective
  3. Professional Know-how—Mastery of ethics and effective communication through coursework and professional business experiences
  4. Disciplinary Knowledge—Discipline-specific expertise and cross-discipline strategy

AACSB Accredited

STEM + Business, Only at Michigan Tech

Technology is shaping our lives faster than ever before. Michigan Tech's College of Business provides real-world graduate education experiences steeped in STEM to prepare the future business leaders of tomorrow.

Student Stories

Tomorrow Needs You

Supercharge your entrepreneurial spirit and meet the demands of a technology-driven society at a flagship public research university powered by science, technology, engineering, and math. Graduate with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience needed to succeed in tomorrow's high-tech business world.

Undergraduate Majors

Not sure which major is the right fit?
Discover Your Major
Or, start with our General Business option and give yourself time to decide.

"My experiences in and out of class have given me the knowledge and confidence I need for my career. There is an emphasis on teamwork, and the people I have met in the College of Business have made my time here so special."Marina Brusso '19, marketing