Our Vision:
One University,
Focused on Learning.
The Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning strives for continuous improvement in both teaching and learning at Michigan Tech. We focus on training and support, and provide personalized consultations for educational technologies and instructional techniques.

CTL Blog

Contact the CTL
- Instructional support for Canvas, Huskycast, Zoom, and other tools (elearning@mtu.edu, 906-487-3000)
- Help with course evaluations, GTA training, and instructional consultations (ctl@mtu.edu, 906-487-3000)
- Testing Center (help with accommodated and commercial testing, remote proctoring, transcribing Canvas exams) (techtesting-l@mtu.edu, 906-487-1001)
Walk-in hours
- Fall / Spring Semesters (Monday-Friday): 10 a.m.-noon, and 1-4 p.m.
- Summer (Monday-Friday): 10 a.m.-noon, and 1-4 p.m.