Visiting Professor Program

With support from the State of Michigan’s King-Chávez-Park (KCP) program, university departments are invited to apply for financial support to bring visiting professors who provide underrepresented perspectives in their field of expertise to Michigan Tech’s campus. Visitors do not need to have a terminal degree or a faculty position to qualify for support. Supported visits can be as short as an afternoon, or as long as an academic year; preference is given to longer visits.

The program has a rolling deadline, but applications must be received a minimum of one month before before the proposed event for pre-approval by the State of Michigan. Funding requests can be made for up to $1,500, but the department(s) or unit(s) must provide a 1:1 match to KCP funds. 


  • Host professors who have historically underrepresented perspectives in their field of expertise, who may be potential faculty
  • Offer Michigan Tech students opportunities to interact with representatives from industry, education, government, and nonprofit organizations
  • Present information about a variety of professional careers
  • Increase students’ awareness and knowledge of national and international issues
  • Provide key role models to students and enhance students’ academic experience
  • Encourage and support possible research and teaching collaborations with Michigan Tech faculty and graduate students
  • Provide opportunities for networking, nurturing collaborations, and developing new partnerships

The visiting professor must offer an on-campus lecture, workshop, and/or seminar for Michigan Tech students and faculty in a particular subject area that enhances knowledge in that discipline. These presentations can be open to the general public or designed for specific audiences. The host department(s) should also schedule at least one informal meeting with academically and economically disadvantaged students in which the scholar can discuss their work experiences. It is a funding requirement that this meeting is advertised through email listservs for these student populations (the KCP program administrators can assist in this step). Longer Visiting Scholar assignments might include a summer session class, an academic year classroom teaching assignment in designated courses and seminars for faculty and students, using the Visiting Professor award to contribute to the total negotiated salary or honorarium for that person. Departments are particularly encouraged to seek out professors (such as former KCP Future Faculty Fellows) with the potential to become Michigan Tech faculty or research collaborators.

The application should describe a clear plan for advertising/promoting scholar activities, include a copy of the scholar’s resume or biography, and a tentative budget. Applications will not  be reviewed until the application form, CV, and commitment of matching funds from the department chair or dean has been submitted to the Office of the Provost. Awards will be made to those departments who identify strong candidates, present a coordinated plan for interaction between the lecturer and the target audience(s), and provide an equal or greater match for the visit. professors who visit Michigan Tech are encouraged to interact with other King-Chavez-Parks program participants, such as GEAR UP, MiCUP, and the Future Faculty Program. KCP funding will not be reimbursed to the unit(s) until all State-required information has been submitted to the Office of the Provost.

Legislative Directive


  • SECTION 1: Public Act 165 of 2020 Legislative Direction 
    Sec. 280.

    (1) Included in the appropriation for fiscal year 2020-2021 for each public university in section 236 is funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks visiting professors program which is intended to increase the number of instructors in the classroom to provide role models for academically or economically disadvantaged students.  Preference may not be given to participants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or national origin. Public universities should encourage participation from those who would otherwise not adequately be represented in the student population.
    (2) The program described in this section shall be administered by the workforce development agency.

  • SECTION 2: Program Description

    The Martin Luther King, Jr. • César Chávez • Rosa Parks Visiting Professors Program was created by the Michigan State Legislature in 1986 as part of the larger KCP Initiative, designed to stem the downward spiral of college graduation rates for students underrepresented in postsecondary education.  The purpose of the VP Program is to increase the number of instructors in the classroom to provide role models for academically or economically disadvantaged students. 
    Preference may not be given to visiting faculty on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or national origin.  Universities should encourage applications from instructors who would otherwise not be adequately represented in the faculty.  Visiting Professors should be selected for their ability to contribute a unique perspective that lends itself to helping the target audience become active participants in a knowledge-based, global economy.