Faculty Listing

  • Dean and Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
  • Director of Undergraduate Programs

Areas of Expertise

  • Conservation biology
  • Avian ecology and reproduction
  • Cascading effects of deer overbrowse
  • Island ecology

Tara L. Bal

  • Assistant Professor, Forest Health
  • Master of Forestry Degree Program Director
  • Wood Protection Group, Microbiology/Pathology Lab Leader

Teaching Interests

  • Forest Health
  • Forest Entomology
  • Forest Pathology
  • Wild Foods, Maple Syrup & Culture
  • Professionalism

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest Health Management and Monitoring
  • Forest Education, Diversity and Inclusion in Forestry and Natural Resources
  • Invasion Ecology
  • Wood Decay Testing and Pathology
  • Insect, Fungi, and Environmental Education, Pedagogy
Parth Bhatt
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Parth Bhatt

  • Assistant Teaching Professor/Researcher
  • Program Director, MGIS Online Program

Areas of Expertise

  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing
  • Digital Image Processing (Multispectral, LiDAR, UAV, Hyperspectral)
  • Land use/cover Mapping
  • Natural Habitat Community Mapping
  • Invasive Species Mapping
  • Forest Health and Natural Resource Management
  • Spatial Data Analysis
  • Web GIS/ArcGIS Online
  • Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Conservation genetics
  • Canid genomics
  • Noninvasive methods in wildlife management
  • Wildlife immuno- & epi- genetics
  • Applied conservation in Central Africa


Andrew Burton
"Every day in the woods is a good day - don't get so caught up in the work at hand that you forget to look around and appreciate where you are."
  • Distinguished Professor
  • Interim Associate Dean for Research
  • Coordinator of Interdisciplinary, Multi-Institutional Research

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest responses to global change factors
  • Belowground processes
  • Carbon and nutrient cycling
  • Physiological ecology of tree roots
  • Undergraduate involvement in research
Julia Burton
"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."
—Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

Julia I. Burton

  • Associate Professor, Silviculture

Areas of Expertise

  • Silviculture
  • Functional ecology
  • Conservation of biodiversity in managed forests
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Forest community and stand dynamics
  • Disturbance ecology
Victor Busov
"I consider myself extremely fortunate to live in a time when genome revolution in many areas of biology is enabling unprecedented depth into our understanding of life."
  • Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Regulation of winter bud dormancy
  • Gibberellins metabolism and signal transduction pathway
  • Regulation of lateral root formation in relation to nitrogen and drought stress
  • Regulation and evolution of secondary growth in woody perennials
  • Micro and small RNAs regulation of development and response to environment
Molly Cavaleri
"The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Interim Associate Dean & Professor
  • Director of Graduate Studies

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest canopy structure and function
  • Forest response to global change
  • Carbon and water cycling through forests
  • Tree ecophysiology
  • Stable isotope ecology
  • Invasive tree species
Rodney Chimner
"We are what we imagine ourselves to be."
—Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
  • Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Peatland and wetland restoration
  • Peatland and wetland carbon cycling
  • Mountain wetlands
  • Tropical peatlands
  • Ecosystem carbon cycling
  • Wetland ecohydrology

Stacy R Cotey

  • Assistant Teaching Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Mesocarnivore ecology
  • Landscape ecology
  • Wildlife-habitat relationships
  • Conservation planning
  • Science communication
  • Citizen science
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
  • Affiliated Assistant Professor, Humanities

Research Interests

  • University-Community Partnerships, research engagement, and equitable practice and design
  • Environmental Justice and Policy, toxic substances, risk management, and promoting holistic health
  • Indigenous / Native American Studies, treaties and the government-to-government relationship, food sovereignty, and Indigenous wisdom in the Great Lakes region
  • Environmental Stewardship and the Seven Generations Philosophy
  • Associate Vice President for Research Development
  • University Professor of Natural Resource Policy
  • Joint Appointment in Social Sciences and CFRES

Areas of Expertise

  • Climate change mitigation policy
  • Arctic climate change impacts
  • Energy conservation policy
  • Renewable energy policy
  • Indigeneity and climate policy
Sarah Hoy

Sarah Hoy

  • Research Assistant Professor


  • Predator-prey interactions
  • Animal ecology and conservation
  • Population biology
  • Life-history trade-offs
Mike Hyslop
"A good map tells a multitude of little white lies; it suppresses truth to help the user see what needs to be seen. ...the value of a map depends on how well its content reflects a chosen aspect of reality."
—Mark Monmonier
  • Teaching Professor
  • Master of Geographic Information Science Degree Program Director

Areas of Expertise

  • Geographic information systems
  • Cartography
  • Global positioning systems
  • Great Lakes Quaternary (glacial) geomorphology
Mickey Jarvi
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference"
—Robert Frost
  • Assistant Teaching Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest ecology with an emphasis on belowground processes
  • Ecophysiology
  • Forest response to global climate change
  • Tree species native range differences in nutrient cycling
  • Forestry and natural resource issues identified through the use of multispectral and hyperspectral imagery attached to unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) 
Chandrashekhar Joshi
"Cellulose is the fiber of human civilization."
  • Emeritus Research Professor, Biological Sciences
  • Affiliated Professor, CFRES

Research Interests: Biological Sciences

  • Plant Molecular Genetics

Areas of Expertise: Biology and Forestry

  • Cellulose and lignin biosynthesis in trees
  • Wood formation
  • Tree growth and development
  • Engineering trees
  • Forest bioinformatics/computational biology
Martin Jurgensen
"Soil is the basis of all terrestrial life."
  • Research Professor

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest soil productivity, management and sustainability
  • Global climate change impact on soil biology
  • Organic matter decomposition and ecosystem nutrient cycling
  • Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Soil carbon
  • Plant/soil relationships
  • Decomposition
  • Dissolved organic carbon
  • Wildfire
  • Black carbon
Carsten Külheim
"Forestry will become a major provider of key materials; from construction to high-tech to biofuels. It is our job to ensure trees thrive."
  • Associate Professor

Links of Interest

Kuelheim Laboratory

Areas of Expertise

  • Genetic basis of trait variation
  • Plant adaptation to local environment
  • Plant secondary metabolism
  • Chemical ecology including plant –herbivore interactions
  • Functional genomics of plant defences
Adrienne Keller

Adrienne Keller

  • Research Associate Professor

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Ecosystem ecology
  • Terrestrial carbon and nutrient cycling
  • Ecosystem carbon management
  • Climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Urban ecology
  • Distinguished Professor of Environmental History, Social Sciences
  • Affiliated Professor, CFRES

Areas of Interest

  • Toxics, forested watersheds, and northern lakes
  • Environmental history
  • Watershed change and water quality
  • Mining history
Robert Laverne
"We are, in actuality, students of that greater order known as nature. It is into nature that man vanishes."
—Loren Eiseley
Erik Lilleskov
"Change is the norm in ecosystems. What is new is the rate of change. How we respond to this change will be our legacy to future generations."
  • Adjunct Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest ecology
  • Ecosystems ecology
  • Physiological ecology
  • Community ecology
  • Fungal ecology
  • Mycorrhizal fungi
  • Molecular ecology
  • Soil ecology
  • Global environmental change impacts on forest ecosystems
  • Invasive species impacts
  • Biogeography of invasive soil organisms
  • Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS

Areas of Expertise

  • Remote sensing
  • Change detection
  • Natural disaster mapping
  • Invasive species mapping
  • Landcover mapping
  • Vegetation property extraction with remote sensing techniques 
Fengjing Liu
"Water is the new oil: a resource long squandered and soon to be overwhelmed by insatiable demand."
—The Economist
  • Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Ecohydrology and forest hydrology
  • Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in snowmelt-dominated watersheds
  • Black ash wetland ecosystem processes 
Ann Maclean
"The practical application of knowledge is what moves us forward."
  • Professor Emerita

Areas of Expertise

  • Remote sensing
  • Digital image processing
  • Geographic information systems
  • Spatial modeling
Lucas Nave
"Knowing what thou knowest not is in a sense omniscience."
—Piet Hein
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science


  • Forest ecology
  • Soil carbon management
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Data synthesis and meta-analysis
Rolf Peterson
"The challenge of wild carnivore restoration."
  • Research Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Mammalian ecology
  • Predator-prey relationships
  • Ecology and behavior of gray wolves
Sigrid Resh
"Every tree has its enemy, few have an advocate."
—J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)

Sigrid Resh

  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Coordinator, Keweenaw Invasive Species Management Area (KISMA)

Areas of Expertise

  • Invasive species research, treatments, and education/outreach
  • Forest restoration
  • Soil sustainability
  • Research Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest Biomaterials
  • Nondestructive Evaluation
  • Structural Condition Assessment
  • Professor of Practice in Forest Biomaterials
  • Coordinator of Industrial Research, Innovation, and Commercialization
  • Director of Ford Center and Forest

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest Biomaterials
  • Tree biomechanics
  • Wind and trees
  • Dendrochronology
  • Extension and Outreach
  • Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences
  • Affiliated Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
  • Director of Research, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience

Research Interests

  • Socio-technological systam transitions
  • Technology adoption
  • Energy policy
  • Energy practices
  • Sustainable communities
  • Self-provisioning
  • Environmental education
James Schmierer
"Useful concepts must be placed in context and rendered operational."
  • Assistant Teaching Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Management and silviculture of northern hardwoods and boreal forests
  • Timber harvesting and site preparation effects on forest regeneration
  • Forest recreational development and management

Terry Sharik

  • Research Professor
  • Dean Emeritus & Professor Emeritus

Areas of Interest/Study

  • Academic leadership in natural resources
  • Educational reform in natural resources
  • Trends in natural resource enrollments
  • Regeneration ecology of forests
  • Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Forest insect ecology
  • Insect/fungus/plant interactions in forest ecosystems
  • Impacts of exotic species on forest ecosystems
  • Interactions among fire, insects and disease in forests
  • Urban forest health
  • Forest Service Climate Advisor
  • Director, Office of Sustainability and Climate
  • Adjunct Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Soil organic carbon stabilization and cycling
  • Radiocarbon analysis and interpretation
  • Forest response and adaptation to climate change
  • Landscape scale conservation
  • Associate Professor of Forest Ecology & Management
  • Distinguished Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Demographic and genetic elements of population biology
  • Ecology of wolves and moose
  • Environmental ethics
Leah Vucetich
"Whether working with students in the lab, field or classroom, nothing beats seeing the spark of understanding ignite a passion for learning."
  • Research Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Isle Royale wolf genetics
  • Field research methods

Areas of Expertise

  • Gap dynamics and disturbance ecology
  • Invasion biology of exotic species
  • Landscape ecology
  • Plant community ecology
  • Restoration silviculture
  • Wildlife habitat relationships
  • Professor
  • Editor-in-Chief, Forestry Research (ForRes)
  • Affiliated Professor, Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics

Software developed by Wei group


    Research Interests

  • Bioinformatics tool and software development
  • Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches
  • Algorithms for gene network construction;
  • Genomics of wood formation
  • Functional genomics.
  • Genome Assembly and annotation



  • Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise

  • Wildlife conservation in working landscapes
  • Temperate and tropical avian ecology
  • Demographic modeling
  • Avian molts and plumage
  • Associate Professor of Forest Biomaterials

Areas of Expertise

  • Carbon materials derived from wood, lignin, and cellulose
  • Integrated thermochemical conversion and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
  • Carbon-polymer composites and hybrid materials
  • Wood protection and preservation
  • Wood properties, quality, and modification
Yinan Yuan
"The RNA regulatory system might have been essential prerequisite to both the evolution of developmentally sophisticated multicellular organisms and the rapid expansion of phenotypic complexity into uncontested environment."
  • Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

  • Identification and characterization of natural antisense transcripts in woody plants 
  • Functionality of alternative splicing and fusion RNAs in plant growth and development 
  • Sequencing complex plant transcriptome through targeted nanopore direct RNA sequencing methods