Doctoral Finishing Fellowships Application Procedures

Each semester, the Graduate School anticipates awarding Finishing Fellowships that provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding fellowships each semester with full support (minimum stipend + tuition) or partial support depending on the financial need of the student. Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

View Past Recipients


Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible forcandidacy at the time of application.
  5. Must not hold a final oral examination ("defense") prior to the start of the award semester.

Previous recipients of a Finishing Fellowship are not eligible to reapply.

Application Procedure

Nominations for Finishing Fellowships will be accepted each fall semester, spring semester, and summer session, for funding in the next semester, pending availability of funds.

Nominations for summer 2025 Finishing Fellowships will be accepted beginning January 13, 2025. Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. on March 5, 2025 (due to the University closure, the deadline has been extended to 4 p.m. on March 6, 2025).

A graduate program may nominate as many students as are eligible. Please submit completed application packages as a single, static PDF file to our google form.


Applicants will prepare an application package that consists of the following items and submit it to our google form.

  1. Create one PDF file that contains the application materials:
    1. A complete application form. Please use Microsoft Word on a PC of Mac to complete the form.
    2. A one- or two- page CV. 
    3. A letter of support from the advisor and/or co-advisor.* The letter should:
      1. provide concrete information indicating what portion of the research and writing has been completed, 
      2. describe the financial need of the candidate and the funds requested for the candidate, including any personal or professional extenuating circumstances and describe how the student has been funded to date (external, internal, or self-funded),
      3. address the likelihood of the applicant finishing the PhD during the funding period, 
      4. describe the scholarly contribution of the student to published articles, and
      5. describe the impact of the publications in the field (for example, journal impact factor within the field) so that a panel of faculty from across the University can understand the impact and significance of the research.

        *If the advisor and/or co-advisor prefer to maintain confidentiality, a PDF of this letter may be submitted by the advisor to our google form.


The applications will be evaluated by a panel of faculty representing each of Michigan Tech's Colleges. Applications will be evaluated on:

  1. The impact and significance of the research.
  2. The candidate's contributions toward The Michigan Tech Plan now and their potential to make contributions in the future.
  3. The likelihood of finishing during the funding period.
  4. The applicant's need for financial support.


All applicants will be notified of the panel's decision within three weeks of the due date.


Recipients will be asked to:

  • Write a thank-you note to the sponsor of their fellowship (required if applicable).
  • Have a photograph taken by a University photographer or provide a photograph.
  • Write a personal statement.

The photograph and personal statement will be used by Michigan Tech to promote its outstanding graduate students. The photograph and personal statement may be included on the Graduate School's webpage or other press releases. Students may request to be excluded from inclusion on the webpage or other press releases.