Dean's Office

Welcome to MTU (#MTUBOUND)

Welcome to the Graduate School at Michigan Technological University!

Graduate research, creation of knowledge, and solving problems are an integral part of our heritage and who we are today. Our first graduate courses in mining were offered in 1889, four years after the creation of Michigan Mining School. Though the university’s name has changed since then (three times), our commitment to and emphasis on the deep learning characteristic of graduate education has not. Today, we offer over 70 graduate programs in traditional and emerging fields and graduate students are a core component of the intellectual vibrancy on campus.

We are a diverse, inclusive community of scholars, rising to society’s challenges in Michigan, the US, and the world. Students, faculty, and staff work closely across departments and colleges. If you are a prospective student, we invite you to further explore our PhD, MS, and certificate programs. I also encourage you to visit us and see for yourself what our faculty, campus, and our unique location have to offer. Our combination of unique and exciting research opportunities and proximity to the beauty and wildness of the Upper Peninsula and Lake Superior provide a stimulating place to do what graduate students have always done—learn more, ask questions, and take on new challenges.

Once again, welcome to the Graduate School at Michigan Tech! 
I wish you every success in your graduate education.

Will Cantrell, PhD
Dean, Graduate School