Graduate School Seminars

The Graduate School regularly schedules presentations to assist students in developing their professional skills.  A list of upcoming events and an archive of past seminars is below. Contact the Graduate School for more information.

The Graduate Student Government also maintains an archive of their professional development events.

Seminar Archive

Slides, streaming video, helpful links and more resources are available for select seminars below.  Note: Streaming video requires a high speed Internet connection and may require additional plug-ins.

Dissertation, Thesis, and Report Seminars

Submission 101: Submitting your Dissertation, Thesis or Report to the Graduate School

The video shows you the submission process from planning from your defense through submitting your final document. Recorded in spring 2025.

Formatting 101: Using the Guide and Template

Learn how to find formatting requirements in the Guide and templates for formatting. More detail and demonstration is presented on using the Word template.

Formatting 102: Copyright for your Dissertation, Thesis, and Report

If you're planning on using content created by others, or material that you have published elsewhere, this seminar will discuss when to obtain permission and how to document that you can reprint copyrighted items.

Formatting 103: Checking and Fixing your Document

This seminar focuses on Adobe Acrobat showing you how easy it is to embed your fonts using Word and Adobe Acrobat and how you can check and fix your document for common formatting errors.
