Experimental Education Environment

The Experimental Education Environment (E3) is a space supporting all Michigan Tech instructors’ experimentation with instructional design, educational technology, and flexible furniture arrangement.  The environment is a collaboration of the Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Information Technology’s Media Technology Services (IT) and the Van Pelt and Opie Library. instructors interested in using this space for formal instruction receive pedagogical and technology support from the CTL’s instructional designers.  With its partners, the library has developed this space to encourage faculty innovation.

The initial start-up, supported by the Herman Miller Corporation, was based on the ideas of a group of faculty, CTL, IT and library staff and jump-started by a student team from the College of Computing under the leadership of Linda Wanless. Dr. Wanless has led an educational research program in consort with the Herman Miller team to assess the value of the space and instructor and learner satisfaction. The space has also enabled IT Media Services, instructors or vendors to test new technologies, media or furniture prior to larger-scale use.

Scheduling Information

Schedule classes or groups by contacting the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning at 906-487-3000 or ctl@mtu.edu.

Jackson CTL staff are also available to provide an instructional design consultation to ensure optimum use of the space.
