Registration stoppers prohibit or limit registration. If you encountered a registration stopper in BanWeb, please locate it below and click on each classification for further information. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for additional help.
Common Registration Stoppers
The Registration Priority Schedule regulates when students of a certain class standing are able to register. At the beginning of each semester, undergraduate students are classified for that semester as follows:
Credit Hours Completed | Class Standing |
0 - 29.5 | Freshmen |
30 - 59.5 | Sophomore |
60 - 89.5 | Junior |
90 and up | Senior |
Once a section has filled its occupancy limit, it will be closed. Departments do not usually grant permission into closed/filled sections until the first week of class. Check seating availability in BanWeb for which courses and sections have seats left.
Departments require that certain courses must be taken during the same semester. These are indicated in the Schedule of Classes. When registering, students must sign up for both courses.
Holds prevent a student from registering and must be removed before the student will be permitted to register. Contact the associated office to have each of the following holds removed.
- Accounts Receivable Hold — Placed by Financial Services and Operations for the past due tuition, debts to Michigan Tech departments, past due Perkins, past due TECHAID, missing exit interviews, and unpaid rent.
- Insurance Unpaid Hold — Placed by Student Insurance Office on students with unpaid health insurance.
- Disciplinary Hold — Placed by Dean of Students Office or Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success.
Some courses consist of additional lecture, recitation, and lab components. All such components must be taken during the same term. When registering, students must sign up for all linked parts of the course.
The Maximum Credits stopper is used for a few reasons.
- Students on academic probation who would like to register for more than 16 credits must obtain approval from the Dean of Students.
- Students wishing to register for more than 18 credits must obtain written approval from their academic advisor.
To register for more than the allowed amount of credits, the Overload Permission form should be completed with the proper signatures of approval for each instance above and turned in to the Registrar’s Office.
Prerequisites are courses that a student must have completed before registering for another course. Prerequisites for courses can be viewed in the Schedule of Classes.
Some courses are restricted by class year, college, level, or major. Students not meeting the restriction must obtain approval from the department offering the course.
Some course sections require special approval before a student may register. This is indicated in the Schedule of Classes. Approval for these sections must be obtained from the department offering the course.
Students may not schedule any courses in conflict without the approval of both instructors. The Time Conflict permission form should be completed and submitted prior to registration.
Michigan Technological University complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA). If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education and services at Michigan Tech, please call Dr. Christy Oslund, Coordinator for Student Disabilities at 487-2212. For other concerns about discrimination, please contact your advisor, department head/chair, or Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX at 487-3310.