Mountain Biking at Copper Harbor. Ambassador Pizza. Sunsets at Brockway Mountain.

Just a few of the responses we received from Michigan Tech alumni and friends who submitted their bucket list for the “Bucket List by the Decade.”
Here’s some more:
Mountain Biking at Copper Harbor, Visit Isle Royale, Cheer on the Rally cars at the LSPR, Take a Jeep out to High Rock Bay and Camp, Swim in the water by Hungarian Falls, Watch the sunset from Brockway, Go Ice Climbing at the All-Nighter, Eat Jimmy Johns after 2am, Don’t be afraid of the fish tacos from Joey’s. – Stephanie Haselhuhn ’15
Camping at Hungarian Falls, Overnighting on top of Brockway Mountain, Smelt Dipping, Picking Thimble Berries, Grilling out on a Small Beach on Lake Superior, Agate Hunting –Chas Thompson ’91
Playing volleyball on an iceberg in Lake Superior –Mark McGlinchey ’79
Visiting on snowshoes the ice filled cliffs on a snow filled beach of Lake Superior near Freda on a sunny February day. –Ronald Donoghue ’59
Read more on the Bucket List by the Decade webpage.
And, if you haven’t sent us your Bucket List, please fill out the form and submit your list.
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