GLRC/ICC Rapid Seedling Research Funding

Applications for the Great Lakes Research Center/Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (GLRC/ICC) 2023 Fall Semester Rapid Research Seedling Funding Opportunity are due July 1.

The intent of this funding is to provide faculty and research staff funds for idea development and data collection that will quickly enable large externally sponsored funding requests.

Proposals will be accepted from Michigan Tech tenured, tenure-track and research faculty, and research scientists and engineers. Any individual researcher is eligible to receive up to one award per calendar year as a principal investigator (PI).

Awards will be announced within one month of the funding cycle deadline. Projects should have a duration of one semester with request amounts not to exceed $10,000.

Awardees must be an affiliated member of the GLRC and/or ICC and are expected to assign a Center/Institute of the GLRC or ICC to any subsequent proposals and awards generated using the data developed/enabled with the rapid seedling funding.

The application form, additional information and instructions can be found in the Member Resources section of the GLRC Institute webpage and on the ICC website. Please send questions to

Construction Update: Dow Building

Access to the Dow building through the north doors off Lot 31 will be disrupted as follows:

  • Today (June 5) and tomorrow (June 6), for a one- to two-hour stretch each day. Contractors will try to schedule this mid-day in order to avoid disrupting the start and end of the work day.
  • June 12 through June 19: Access to the Dow Building from this location will not be available.

If you have questions or concerns, please email


Request for Proposals: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Grants (Round 2)

The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Tech Forward Working Group (AMMTF WG) seeks proposals from University researchers who will advance its mission to develop and strengthen the materials processing and manufacturing capabilities at Michigan Tech to meet next-generation, externally funded research opportunities. Faculty and/or staff with relevant interests and expertise across all University units are welcomed and encouraged to submit proposals.

More information regarding potential topics of interest can be found at the Institute of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing website.

Projects will be funded at a $10,000 level for up to a six-month period of performance. Proposals should be limited to two pages in length.

Proposals should contain:

  1. A summary description of the proposed project.
  2. A discussion and analysis of the return-on-investment opportunities in service to the mission as described above.
  3. A brief description of budget items. Proposals that demonstrate significant opportunities for external follow-on funding involving several investigators and units will be favorably reviewed.

Proposals are due at the close of the business day June 15 and should be emailed to Deliverables will be negotiated with the AMMTF WG during the final project discussion.


Upcoming Campus User Training for Cayuse Sponsored Projects Platform

With a successful pilot underway and the “going live” date tentatively set for mid to late June, the Sponsored Operations Office and VPR invite the campus community to participate in training to use the new Cayuse research administration software. Specifically, research-active faculty, research scientists, and research support staff are invited to attend an upcoming training. If you anticipate submitting any externally funded proposals in the next year, consider attending one of the training sessions offered this summer: 

Please register for a session today, as each training session is limited to 30 seats. It only takes a few minutes! 

All trainings will be held in-person in Room 242 of the Van Pelt and Opie Library.

A recorded training will be available at a later date.

Additional information is available on our Cayuse Implementations webpage. Please reach out to Sponsored Operations with any questions. 


PhD Defense: Thusitha Divisekara, Chemistry

Ph.D. in Chemistry candidate Thusitha Divisekara will present their defense at 10 a.m. on June 5 (Monday) in EERC 227. Virtual attendance is also invited by Zoom.

The title of Divisekara's defense is "UHPLC/FT-MS Non-targeted Screening Approach for Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol and Liquid Smoke as Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol Surrogate."

Divisekara is co-advised by Lynn Mazzoleni and Sarah Green.

In Print

Xin Li (COB) published a paper titled "Asset Pricing Models in the Presence of Higher Moments: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. and China Stock Markets" in the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (2023), Vol 79.

Abstract: Harvey and Siddique (2000) show that a security’s coskewness, measured by the comovement of its stock return and the variance of market return, significantly explains its stock performance. We extend this idea in two significant ways. Conceptually, we show that the comovements of individual security performance and higher moments of market performance are critical components of asset return determinants. Empirically, we examine and compare the performance of high-moment capital asset pricing models (CAPM) in the U.S. and Chinese stock markets. The empirical results show that the coskewness and cokurtosis of securities have a significant impact on their performance. We observed that models incorporating higher moments provide greater explanatory power than the traditional CAPM model, particularly in the Chinese market. This is due to the high sensitivity of stocks in this market to tail risks, which can be attributed to the market's immaturity and the higher proportion of individual investors.

In the News

The Mining Journal and Lake Superior Magazine’s “Around the Circle This Week” mentioned Michigan Tech in stories previewing the return of the Pine Mountain Music Festival. The first event will be a performance by soprano Christine Seitz and composer/guitarist Paul Seitz at MTU’s McArdle Theatre on Saturday (June 3) at 7:30 p.m.


Suzanne Sanregret (ATH) and Joe Shawhan (ATH) were quoted by MLive, the Detroit News, WLUC TV6, the Daily Mining Gazette and many other local and regional outlets in stories about the signing of a four-year extension to host the Great Lakes Invitational hockey tournament and Grand Rapids’ Van Andel Arena. The 57th annual tournament will take place Dec. 28-29, featuring Michigan Tech, Alaska, Michigan State, and Ferris State.


The Daily Mining Gazette picked up a Michigan Tech Athletics press release about Dominika Bobik being named a 2022-23 Third Team Academic All-America by College Sports Communicators. Bobik, who played No. 1 singles and No. 1 doubles for the Huskies this spring, studies computer engineering.

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

PhD Defense: D M R Thusitha Dinusha Kumarihami Divisekara

Chemistry Co-advisors: Lynn Mazzoleni and Sarah Green UHPLC/FT-MS Non-Targeted Screening Approach for Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol and Liquid Smoke as Biomass Burning...


PhD Defense: D.M. R. Thusitha D. K Divisekara

Chemistry Co-advisors: Dr. Lynn R. Mazzoleni and Dr. Sarah A. Green UHPLC/FT-MS Non Targeted Screening Approach for Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol and Liquid Smoke As...