Upcoming Training in the MUB
Michigan Tech's Department of Public Safety and Police Services would like to remind the campus community of training sessions occurring in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) conference rooms tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday (Nov. 14, 15 and 16) from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. each day.
The training being held tomorrow and Wednesday is “Run, Hide, Fight: Surviving an Active Threat.” Its goal is to guide nontraditional first responders in various ways to respond to an active threat incident. While an active shooter threat is something none of us would like to have to think about, we need to be prepared in order to keep ourselves and our community safe.
The training being held Thursday is an instructor certification course for instructor applicants only.
During the training times, you may hear loud noises that simulate gunshots and/or people shouting. These sounds are a standard part of the training and are not cause for concern. Signage will be put up around the MUB during the training times as a reminder.
If you have any questions about this training, please contact Deputy Chief Reid DeVoge at rdevoge@mtu.edu.