Research in Focus: Team Science — Putting People First

“Research in Focus” highlights how Michigan Tech researchers are breaking through boundaries between scientific disciplines, leveraging the full depth and breadth of knowledge across campus.
While finishing her Ph.D., Chelsea Schelly (SS/CFRES/CISR) got explicit training in interdisciplinary scholarship, then turned her attention to finding a research-heavy university where she could put those skills to use.
Her interview at Michigan Tech turned into a cross-country ski outing with Kathy Halvorsen, now Tech’s associate vice president for research development, who ended up teaching Schelly many essential skills for successful team science. "Kathy sees people as whole people, and as people first, not just as scholars," says Schelly. This approach to life and work is, for Schelly, the defining feature of what makes research at Michigan Tech unique.
"It's just the culture that has been created on campus. There's a human connection here,” she says. “We are scholars, and we are proud of the work we do, but we are people first."
Read how Schelly is carrying that people-first culture forward in our 2024 Michigan Tech Magazine.