Diversity Literacy Online Workshop Registration is Now Open

Diversity Literacy Online Workshop (DLOW) training for the 2024-25 academic year is now open for registration. The workshop dates can be found on the training website. Faculty should use the online registration form and please allow 24-48 hours for processing.

This workshop is part of Michigan Tech's ongoing commitment to faculty diversity in building a supportive campus climate. Up-to-date DLOW training status is required to serve on faculty hiring and tenure and promotion committees. The workshop is organized as a three-week asynchronous online course in Canvas (with two to three hours of work per week) covering legal aspects of hiring and promotion processes, building literacy in recognizing unconscious bias, and cultivating diversity-centered practices. For those who have already taken the full three-week course, there are one-week refresher courses that engage with new research and current best practices with respect to hiring and retention of a diverse faculty. A refresher course is required once every four years to maintain a current status. Those with expired status are required to take the full course.

See the Diversity Training Status page for the current training status of all faculty (ISO sign on required).

We suggest that individuals register early for fall workshop dates if they are serving on faculty search or promotion and tenure committees in the coming year. If your certification is expiring but you don't need it for immediate service, we would appreciate it if you register for a spring workshop instead, as the fall enrollments can get high. Deans and chairs who register will be automatically enrolled in the administrators-only refresher course that runs in the fall.

DLOW training cannot be offered on demand, so we appreciate everyone's proactive attention to maintaining training status. The Office of the Provost will not grant exceptions to serve on search committees or PTR committees for faculty who are not current on their DLOW training.

The DLOW course content and format continue to be managed by faculty members in collaboration with Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX, distinguishing it from other training courses at Michigan Tech. Course content and format are reviewed and revised annually to continuously adapt to the landscape of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and needs at Michigan Tech with support from the Office of the Provost.

If you have any questions about the DLOW and training, contact Sarah Fayen Scarlett, DLOW administrator, at sfscarle@mtu.edu.

Janith Godakawela Kankanamalage Receives Classic Paper Presentation Award at NOISE-CON

Ph.D. candidate Janith Godakawela Kankanamalage (mechanical engineering-engineering mechanics) received the Classic Paper Presentation Award at the NOISE-CON 2024 conference, held June 10-12 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The competition highlights impactful papers that have significantly influenced the field. It is a centerpiece of NOISE-CON, an annual conference organized by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) and a key event for professionals and students in noise and acoustics.

Kankanamalage’s award-winning presentation was titled "Overview of Ingard, K. Uno, and George C. Maling Jr.’s 1974 Paper on Physical Principles of Noise Reduction: Energy Considerations, Noise Reducing Elements, and Sound Absorbing Materials."

This year, a special session honored Maling, a founding member of INCE known for his invaluable contributions to noise control engineering, including a seminal three-paper series. Kankanamalage’s presentation not only discussed Maling’s work but also incorporated findings from the Mechanics, Acoustics, and Dynamics Lab (MADLab) at Michigan Tech under the supervision of Bhisham Sharma (ME-EM), aligning with the principles outlined in Maling's paper. Kankanamalage described the experience as both rewarding and enlightening, combining education with enjoyment amidst a community of peers and experts in the field.

Kankanamalage is advised by Sharma, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics.

New Funding

Joshua Mueller (MSE/IMP) is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $100,000 research and development contract from the Triad National Security LLC.

The project is titled "Development of High Strength High Toughness Materials for Impulsively Loaded Pressure Vessels."

This is a potential five-year project.

In the News

Gary Campbell (COB) was a guest on the June 21 episode of the Points North podcast titled “Copper Country’s Conundrum.” The episode discussed the opposition, support and potential economic and environmental impacts of the Copperwood Mine project in Gogebic County, which is located next door to Lake Superior and the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. Noel Urban (CEGE) was quoted in an image caption accompanying the episode transcript.


Sonia Goltz (COB) was quoted by Inside Higher Ed in a story about the recently launched Partner Hire Scorecard, which ranks partner-hiring policies at R1 universities in the U.S. The scorecard was created to help foster and promote transparency about such policies for couples whose members are both academic researchers.


Building Design+Construction listed Michigan Tech as the winner of the Eastern Great Lakes Symposium of the 2024 Timber-Strong Design Build Competition, which tasked teams with “drafting and building an attractive, sustainable and durable two-story wood-frame structure.” The competition is a collaboration between the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Wood Council, APA - Engineered Wood Association and Simpson Strong-Tie.


The Daily Mining Gazette and WLUC TV6 covered the evacuation of the Minerals and Materials Engineering Building on Thursday (June 20) due to a small equipment fire. The fire was quickly extinguished and no one was injured.


WJMN Local 3 mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about a fundraising effort by the Lutheran Campus Ministry for kitchen improvements at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The church began hosting a weekly free home-cooked meal for MTU students in fall 2023, and the improvements are needed to continue doing so. The story was picked up by Yahoo! News.


The University of Michigan mentioned Michigan Tech in a press release announcing that the Michigan University Innovation Capital Fund is now accepting applications for investment opportunities. The fund was created in January, driven by MTU, U-M and four other Michigan universities, with a goal of supporting pre-seed startups and early-stage companies across the state.


The Bismarck Tribune mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the North Dakota National Guard’s next leader: Brig. Gen. Mitchell Johnson ’97 (B.S. Mechanical Engineering).


Retirement Social for Dave Reed Tomorrow

David Reed, Michigan Tech's vice president for research, will be retiring on Sunday, June 30. Please join the staff of the Vice President for Research Office to honor his prestigious career at a retirement social tomorrow, June 25, from 2-5 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom.

Hors d'oeuvres and light refreshments will be served. A cash bar will be available.


MS Defense: Cody McCarthy, Math

M.S. in Mathematical Sciences candidate Cody McCarthy will present a master's defense at 1 p.m. today, June 24, in Fisher 328.

The title of McCarthy's defense is "New Method for Computing the Euclidean Condition Number with RIM-C."

McCarthy is advised by Jiguang Sun.

Today's Campus Events

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Tracks to the Future 2024 Session II

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Master's Defense: Cody McCarthy



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