Endowed Position Appointments

The Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is pleased to announce the following endowed position appointments.

Jiguang Sun (Math) was recently appointed to the Richard and Elizabeth Henes Endowed Professorship in Mathematical Sciences.

Based on his expertise in numerical methods for partial differential equations, inverse problems, eigenvalue problems and electromagnetic methods in geophysics, Sun is well positioned to carry out innovative and productive research, provide leadership to departmental faculty and graduate students, and train doctoral students to be highly skilled and creative researchers in computational and applied mathematics, which is required by the Henes Professor in Math.

Laura Sieders (COB) has been named the Edward and Betty Robinson Endowed Faculty Fellow in Accounting, which was created to attract, reward and retain highly talented faculty who focus on growing the College of Business' accounting program.

Sieders serves as director of the MS in Accounting program and co-teaches the Applied Portfolio Management Program. Her teaching philosophy contains elements that provide experiential education, mutual respect and progressive expectations. To assure that her students are prepared for success in their courses and in their careers, Sieders serves on the external engagement committee and is the advisor to the Kappa Sigma Iota (KSI) Accounting Club, which aligns very well with her student-centric philosophy. Outside of campus, she serves as the accounting advisor for two local nonprofits.

Endowed Position Reappointments

The Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is pleased to announce that Yun Hang Hu (MSE/ChE), Fernando Ponta (ME-EM) and Manish Srivastava (COB) were recently reappointed to their respective endowed positions.

Yun Hang Hu, a University Professor, was reappointed to the Charles and Carroll McArthur Professorship in Materials Science and Engineering. During his previous appointment, Hu’s research in the area of advanced materials for energy and sustainability and service led to publishing numerous papers and invitations to international conferences. Based on the success of his research, he was also elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and won the Outstanding Science and Innovation Award from the Chinese Association for Science and Technology in the United States.

Fernando Ponta will continue his appointment as a Richard and Elizabeth Henes Professor in the area of wind energy. As a Henes Professor, Ponta has leveraged his wind turbine/wind farm code research development program at Michigan Tech to expand the novel multiphysics computationally efficient capabilities of the Common ODE Framework model. He has also provided graduate student support for continued development in the area of advanced simulation and analysis of the aeroelastic dynamics of wind turbine rotors, particularly their interaction with other turbines within the wind farm collective.

Manish Srivastava has been reappointed as the David L. and Marilyn A. Bernard Faculty Fellow in Business. As the holder of this endowed position, Srivastava has fostered academic collaborations with researchers from the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Wichita State University, the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, and the MLN National Institute of Technology Allhabad, provided student support, and advanced his research in the area of technological innovations, business models and strategic alliances. As a result of his quality research, Srivastava holds editorial board positions on several prestigious journals, including the Journal of Management.

Summer Hours End Aug. 11

Summer hours will end on Aug. 11. Beginning Aug. 12, the University will return to regular office hours.

Regular hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All offices must be staffed during these hours.

Upcoming campus printing upgrade

Michigan Tech IT will be upgrading print servers on Wednesday (July 31) from 6 - 9 p.m. This will affect all campus printing. Some print jobs may be canceled if sent during this period. In this case, customers should resubmit their job to the print queue.

If you have any questions, we can help. Contact IT at it-help@mtu.edu or call 906-487-1111.

Save the Date: MTU Fall 2024 Career Fair and Career Fest Dates

Michigan Tech Career Services is excited to announce the upcoming Fall 2024 Career Fair, forged by Nucor, along with a series of Career Fest events. These events are designed to offer our students and alumni valuable opportunities to connect with potential employers and explore diverse career paths. Explore our entire Fall schedule

Career Fair Details
Fall Career Fair - ALL Majors
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Time: 12-5 p.m.
*Note the 2-4 p.m. Career Fair Recess 

More details can be found on our website, on Handshake and in emails from Handshake.

Career Fest Events

  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024 — Michigan Day (featuring companies hiring for Michigan job locations)
  • Wednesday, September 11 — University-wide Career Fest
  • Tuesday, September 17 — Foundry Fest (featuring foundry & foundry industry companies)
  • Wednesday, September 18 — University-wide Career Fest
  • Thursday, September 19 — Mobility Day (featuring mobility industry companies)
  • Monday, September 23 — Partner Fest (featuring Career Services partner companies)

More information on Fest events can be found on Handshake

Please contact careerfair@mtu.edu if you have an specific concerns, ideas or questions.

CFRES Seminar with David Kainer

The College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES) will host a seminar at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday (July 30) in Noblet G002 or on Zoom with speaker Dr. David Kainer, senior research fellow at the ARC Center of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia.

The title of Kainer's talk is "Beyond GWAS: AI and Machine Learning on Multi-Omic Networks."

Reminder: Accelerated Program Interest Session

Join the Michigan Tech Global Campus team for a virtual information session on Thursday, August 1, at 11:30 am. Discover how you can get started on your program for the fall 2024 semester, which begins on Aug. 26.

Learn about the new policy that allows graduates from as far back as Fall 2022 to pursue accelerated master's degrees. Bring your curiosity and your questions! Register online

These changes add up to substantial savings, allowing alumni to obtain the value of a master's degree in fewer semesters. And these accelerated programs are available both online and in person at MTU.

In the News

The Mining Journal mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the recent purchase of Velodrome Coffee Company by Marquette-based MQT Hospitality Inc. Velodrome Coffee, which opened on March 4 in the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library on Michigan Tech’s campus, will continue to serve the community under its new ownership.


The Iron Mountain Daily News picked up a story from The Mining Journal about a new cedar shake roof being installed on one of the former miners’ cabins at the Old Victoria Historical Site, which is now the Visitor Center. The story referenced the Michigan Tech Archives’ Victoria Copper Mining Record collection. 


My Fenton Times mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the dedication of the Bottecelli family bench at the Veterans Memorial at Freedom Park in Fenton. The article highlighted Joseph Winglemire '09, who joined the Army ROTC at Michigan Tech in 2005 and was commissioned in 2009. The bench honors the long history of military service in the Bottecelli family.


The Daily Mining Gazette mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about new soccer coach Melissa Kuhar (ATH) and her plans for the upcoming season. Kuhar, who has joined from Drury University, discussed her familiarity with the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC).


The Daily Mining Gazette mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the 12th annual Keweenaw Brewfest. The event, organized by Houghton Rotary, had participation from Michigan Tech students among the 90 volunteers who helped run the event.


Move-In Weekend Volunteers Needed!

New student Move-In for the fall 2024 semester is right around the corner on Aug. 16 and 17, and the Wahtera Center for Student Success needs volunteers!

Move-In volunteers can help with a variety of activities during Move-In Weekend, including traffic control, moving students into their dorm and assisting newly arrived students at Check-In. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our 2024 Move-In Volunteer Registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact the Orientation Executive Staff at orientation@mtu.edu.


American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course

Earn your American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification from Aug. 14-18 at the Michigan Tech SDC Pool! This blended learning intensive training course includes Lifeguard/First Aid/CPR/AED certifications and all training materials.

All participants must be 15 years of age or older by the first date of the course (documentation required). Required water skills include the ability to:

  • Swim 150 yards, maintain a position on the surface of the water for two minutes by treading water with their legs, and swim 50 yards. (Swim portions must be completed using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both; swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed.)
  • Complete a timed event within one minute and 40 seconds.
    • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. (Participant's face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not permitted.)
    • Surface dive feet-first or head-first to a depth of seven to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
    • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on their back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping their face at or near the surface.
    • Exit the water without using the ladder or steps.

Online training prerequisites must be completed by the first day of classroom instruction. The instructor will contact class participants with online course information and directions. Class size is limited.

Course Details:

  • Class Dates/Times:
    • Wednesday, Aug. 14, from 4-5:30 p.m.
    • Thursday, Aug. 15, from 12-5:30 p.m.
    • Friday, Aug. 16, from 12-5:30 p.m.
    • Saturday, Aug. 17, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Sunday, Aug. 18, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Cost: $200 per participant
  • Registration: Now open! Closes Thursday, Aug. 1, at 11:59 p.m.

For more information, visit Michigan Tech Recreation's ARC Lifeguard Certification page.

Today's Campus Events

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Huskies Swim Training - Summer 2024 Session 3

Join us for a summer of swimming in Huskies Swim Training! This training program provides additional attention and competitive guidance to proficient swimmers ages 6-17...


Adult Huskies Swim Lessons Summer 2024

Adult Huskies Swim Lessons provides aquatic education for the beginner to the intermediate swimmer who is looking to become more comfortable in the water and learn the...


Adult Huskies Swim Training Summer 2024

Adult Huskies Swim Training provides additional attention and competitive guidance to swimmers ages 18 and older who are looking to improve their swimming skills and fitness...