Michigan Tech’s Responsibilities to Students with Disabilities
The start of Michigan Tech's fall semester has arrived, so Equal Opportunity Compliance and Student Disability Services would like to remind the campus community about the University's obligation and commitment to providing equal access to all educational programs, activities and services for students with disabilities, per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Access can be provided in several ways: by providing aids and services necessary for effective communication, like CART (communication access real-time translation) services and assistive listening devices; by modifying policies, practices and procedures, such as testing accommodations and access to campus facilities for service animals; and by providing architectural access to buildings, including residential facilities.
Reasonable accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be designed to meet the specific needs of the individual. Student accommodations at Michigan Tech are provided through Student Disability Services. Employee accommodations are provided through the ADA coordinator in Equal Opportunity Compliance.
Please visit the Education ADA Fact Sheet from the ADA National Network for more information.