CFO Candidates and Open Forum Dates Announced
The University has invited three candidates to interview for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Senior Vice President for Administration position. Each candidate’s interview will be conducted over two days and will include a presentation of their vision for research at Michigan Tech at an open forum.
The first candidate will interview next Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 14 and 15, with their open forum scheduled at 1 p.m. next Tuesday in Ballroom B of the Memorial Union. The two subsequent candidates will interview on Oct. 21 and 22, and Nov. 4 and 5, respectively. Their open forums are scheduled for Oct. 22 and Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. in Ballroom B of the Memorial Union.
Candidate resumes, cover letters, interview dates and open forum information can be viewed at the Chief Financial Officer Search page. A Michigan Tech login is required to view candidate information.
The search committee encourages the campus community to interact with each candidate during the interviews and to provide feedback by completing the anonymous comment form provided on the candidate webpage. Feedback forms will be posted immediately following each candidate's visit and remain available for 72 hours following the last candidate's visit.