Veterans Day: Honoring All Who Have Served
Today is Veterans Day. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs states that Veterans Day is a “celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”
Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) would like to highlight Michigan Tech’s commitment to employing and advancing veterans in the workforce.
A resource available to assist search committees when reviewing application materials that include military service is the Veteran Hiring and Translating Skills webpage. We strongly encourage search committees to use the Civilian-to-Military Occupation Translator to evaluate veteran experiences. It may require extra time to review the application materials, but veterans often have the same skills, or more, than civilian workers. The biggest difference may be the environment in which the skills were obtained, which should not discount veterans’ skill sets or hinder their employment opportunities when they return to the civilian workforce. In addition, using resources like this helps fulfill our federal requirement to recruit, hire, promote and retain veterans.
You can learn more about Michigan Tech’s obligations under federal civil rights laws by visiting EOC’s The Value of Affirmative Action at Michigan Tech webpage.
Thank you to all veterans and their families, today and every day.