Tomorrow's Needs: Water

“Tomorrow's Needs” is a series of opinion pieces from leaders around campus on the role that Michigan Tech innovators will play to define the world’s emerging needs.
In President Rick Koubek’s September article, he asked: “In 2035, what will society’s most pressing questions be? And what are Michigan Tech’s best opportunities for answering those questions?”
Continuing the discussion, Great Lakes Research Center Director Tim Havens and Marine Engineering Laboratory Director Guy Meadows present five big questions about the global demands for water and the challenges these demands present.
“Despite its abundance, less than 1% of Earth’s water is accessible for human use. This limited supply is in high demand — not only to enable the chemistry of life, but also to support the industrial, agricultural and technological infrastructure that sustains human civilization,” they write. “At Michigan Technological University, our location and mission compel us to confront global water challenges. We are ideally positioned to establish ourselves as leaders in addressing the world’s future water needs.”
Read their full article at Michigan Tech News.