Tomorrow's Needs: Students

“Tomorrow's Needs” is a series of opinion pieces from leaders around campus on the role that Michigan Tech innovators will play to define the world’s emerging needs.
In President Rick Koubek’s September article, he asked: “In 2035, what will society’s most pressing questions be? And what are Michigan Tech’s best opportunities for answering those questions?”
Continuing the discussion, Vice President for University Relations and Enrollment John Lehman and Vice President for Student Affairs Laura Bulleit pose three questions asking how Michigan Tech can better prepare our students to meet the demands of the 2035 workplace — which they expect to be radically different from today's.
“In contrast to the highly curated environments in which students have spent their formative years, the professional world will value adaptability, resilience, creativity and problem-solving skills — traits that are cultivated through exposure to discomfort, uncertainty, risk and failure,” they write. “This evolving landscape presents both an urgent challenge and an exciting opportunity for Michigan Tech.”
Read their full article at Michigan Tech News.