Forestry Club Tree-dition Plants Seeds for a Merry and Bright Future

The annual tree sale held by Michigan Tech’s chapter of the Society of American Foresters, known on campus as the Forestry Club, is a long-standing tradition at the University. Forestry Club secretary and forestry major Tristan Walk ’26 said the written record of the sale dates to the early 1980s, and the anecdotal record places the start of the tradition somewhere in the 1960s or 1970s.

“One of the cooler things about this is that the trees are naturally grown. These are wild balsams, wild spruces that are out in the woods, and so our faculty are very understanding that when they buy these trees they aren’t perfect,” said Walk.

This year’s tree sale may be over, but Forestry Club students have much bigger plans to carry on the time-honored tradition. Read more on the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science blog.

Call for Applications: Faculty Fellow Program

Applications are being solicited for the Faculty Fellow Program, sponsored by the Vice President for Research Office (VPR).

The program:

  1. Expands familiarity with VPR operations among the staff and faculty.
  2. Develops leadership capacity among the staff and faculty.
  3. Improves VPR operations through staff and faculty input.

Please note that the Faculty Fellow program does not support staff and faculty in developing their own research grant proposals, promoting the goals of a particular center, or carrying out a project focused on a single department or college.

For the 2025-26 academic year, there are four possible appointment areas:

  • Faculty Fellow, Sponsored Programs (e.g., pre- and post-award processing and administration)
  • Faculty Fellow, Research Integrity (e.g., helping the Research Integrity Office develop their offerings to researchers across campus in the areas of HRPP, ARPP, laboratory safety, Responsible Conduct of Research, Research Misconduct, shared facilities, centers and institutes)
  • Faculty Fellow, Research Development (e.g., helping the Research Development Office develop their offerings to researchers across campus in areas such as strengthening proposal development support, enhancing research collaboration, learning about and engaging with research sponsors)
  • Faculty Fellow, Commercialization (e.g., translational research, technology de-risking, proprietary projection strategy, management talent recruitment, value proposition development, customer discovery)

Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. on Feb. 13 and must be submitted electronically per the guidelines. For additional information, visit the Faculty Fellow Program page.

One Hundred PhD Working Group Underway

We are preparing for growth in our Ph.D. programs toward a goal of awarding at least 100 Ph.D. degrees each year. To identify strategies to facilitate this growth, and to work on implementation of these strategies, Provost Andrew Storer has established the One Hundred Ph.D. Working Group.

The charge to this group includes identifying additional opportunities and strategies for graduate student recruiting, developing competitive contracts and funding for graduate students, reviewing the investments of institutional resources in graduate education, and enhancing the graduate experience at Michigan Tech. By the end of the academic year, the group will provide a report tentatively titled “The 100 Ph.D. Working Group: Overview of Needs and Strategies for Success,” which will then form the basis for implementation of some of the recommendations during academic year 2025-26.

Members of the working group include:

  • Yu Cai, associate dean, CC
  • Will Cantrell (chair), associate provost and dean, Grad School
  • Molly Cavaleri, associate dean and grad program director, CFRES
  • Barbara Dai, associate chair for research, CEGE
  • Shiyue Fang, professor, Chem
  • Wayne Gersie, vice president for engagement and belonging
  • Holly Hassel, professor, HU; University Senate representative
  • Caryn Heldt, director, HRI
  • Melissa Keranen, chair, Math
  • Jennifer Nish, associate professor, HU
  • Lauren Sprague, GSG representative
  • Stephen Techtmann, associate director, GLRC
  • Wayne Weaver (co-chair), associate chair, MAE

Chem Stores Closed Over Holiday Break

University Chemical Stores, aka Chem Stores, will be closed from Dec. 24 through Jan. 1. During this holiday closure, we will not be receiving any packages and our service window will not be open.

In addition, starting today, Dec. 16, we may delay placing orders until we reopen on Jan. 2 for items that are temperature sensitive or that can’t sit over the break in a UPS or FedEx warehouse.

You can continue to submit orders using our order form; we will begin processing them on Jan. 2.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 906-487-2049 with any questions or concerns.

Tech Today Holiday Break

The last Tech Today of 2024 will be published Friday, Dec. 20. After Friday, Tech Today will go on holiday break. We will resume publication for 2025 on Jan. 6.

Items for Friday's and Jan. 6's Tech Today should be submitted through our Submit a Story form by the following deadlines:

  • Friday, Dec. 20: items due Thursday, Dec. 19, by noon
  • Monday, Jan. 6: items due Friday, Dec. 20, by noon

Winter Break Hours for Campus Store, University Images

Winter break hours for the Campus Store and University Images are as follows:

Campus Store Winter Break Hours:

Week of Dec. 16

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Week of Dec. 23

  • Monday-Sunday: Closed

Week of Dec. 30

  • Monday-Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Saturday: 12-4 p.m.
  • Sunday: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

University Images Winter Break Hours:

Week of Dec. 16

  • Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Sunday: 1-5 p.m.

Week of Dec. 23

  • Monday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday-Thursday: Closed
  • Friday-Saturday: 12-7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Week of Dec. 30

  • Monday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday-Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday-Saturday: 12-5 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Spring MTU Aquatics: Register Now!

Registration for spring 2025 Michigan Tech Aquatics programs is open!

Swimming programs are offered at the SDC for all ages and ability levels. We hope to see you at the pool!

Questions? Contact Aquatics Manager Annie Bengry at or 906-487-2995.

If the class you are looking for is full, please fill out the waitlist form or contact Aquatics Manager Annie Bengry at or 906-487-2995. We will try to add additional sections based on demand.

In the News

Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was interviewed by Technology Networks for a story exploring how new technology and workflows could enable more efficient purification of biotherapeutics. Heldt discussed the current state of the art for viral vector purification and new advances in purification technology.


Brad King (MAE) was interviewed by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation for a story exploring how he became one of the leading rocket scientists in the Upper Peninsula.


Michigan Tech women’s basketball senior guard Isabella Lenz was interviewed by the Daily Mining Gazette after scoring her 1,000th career point as a Husky. Lenz is the 31st player in MTU history to reach the milestone.


Memorial Union Winter Break Schedule

The Memorial Union will have reduced office and building hours over the winter break. The hours of operation are as follows:

Memorial Union Office (MUB 101):

  • Dec. 16-20 — 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Dec. 21 to Jan. 1 — Closed
  • Jan. 2 — Resume normal operating hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Memorial Union Building:

  • Dec. 16-20 — 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Dec. 21 to Jan. 1 — Closed
  • Jan. 2 — Resume normal operating hours (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)


Facilities Management Closed for Departmental Retreat

Tomorrow, Dec. 17, the Facilities Management Office will be closed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for a departmental retreat.

For any facilities emergencies during this time, please call 906-487-0001. Otherwise, we will respond to all messages upon returning to the office in the afternoon.


Safe Place Ally Training: Registration Now Open

The Student Affairs CommUNITY Education Team invites faculty and staff of our community to register for Safe Place Ally Training, being held Jan. 27 and 29 from 1-3 p.m. each day (attendance on both days is required for the training).

Safe Place is about fostering an environment of inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) individuals on our campus and in the surrounding community through:

  • Educating individuals on LGBTQIA+ issues relating to gender and sexuality and how one can intervene when they witness discrimination.

  • Creating visibility of people who can provide resources to LGBTQIA+ community members.

  • Establishing brave spaces that challenge oppression.

To register, please complete the Safe Place Training Sign Up form. The cohort will accept 30 people.


Faculty Leadership Exploration and Development Program

Faculty are invited to apply to the new Faculty Leadership Exploration and Development (FacultyLEAD) program that will be offered at Michigan Tech next year. FacultyLEAD will provide an extended opportunity to explore the challenges, complexities and rewards of leadership. It is designed for faculty who are in, or are considering, leadership roles in a range of contexts.

Applications for the first program cohort for the 2025-26 academic year are now being accepted. The program will accept up to 15 participants who are at the rank of associate professor or higher (either tenure or instructional track). More information about the program and how to apply is available on the FacultyLEAD webpage. Applications are due Jan. 10, 2025.

Questions should be directed to Shari Stockero at


Guiding Growth: A Workshop for Faculty Mentors

Mentoring is an important role of any faculty member, but few faculty receive formal training for this role. "Guiding Growth: A Workshop for Faculty Mentors" will help faculty develop skills for effectively mentoring graduate students, junior faculty and peers. The program will provide an opportunity for both new and senior faculty to work with a community of peers to enhance their ability to guide and support others as they navigate their academic career.

Topics will include developing mentoring agreements, communicating expectations, fostering independence, meeting the mentee’s individual needs and addressing mentoring challenges.

The Guiding Growth workshop will include four 90-minute sessions from 12:30-2 p.m. on Jan. 14, Feb. 4, March 4 and April 1. Participants will be asked to commit to all four sessions.

Please register for the workshop series by Friday, Dec. 20.


Updates and Dining Services Hours for Winter Break

Dining Services locations will be closed varying hours during the winter break. For a full list of locations, hours and menus, please visit

Brkfst & Co
Remaining open during regular weekday hours, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., through Friday, Dec. 20. Closing on Saturday, Dec. 21, and will reopen on Jan. 6 at 8 a.m.

Tu Taco
Closed as of Dec. 11 and will be changing to Chaat House, an Indian kitchen serving tasty Indian dishes including tandoori chicken, paneer, tikka masala, curry, vindaloo, naan bread, samosas, lassi drinks and more. Chaat House is scheduled to open on Jan. 6 and will be open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Campus Cafe and Ghost Kitchen
Campus Cafe is closed as of Dec. 14, and will reopen on Jan. 5 at 6 p.m.

The Huski Cafe at Mont Ripley
Open for the season as of Dec. 13. Closed on Dec. 25.

Residential Dining Halls

  • The Food Hall at Douglass Houghton Hall — Closed as of Dec. 12. Will resume service for regular hours on Jan. 6.

  • The Eatery at McNair Hall — Closed as of Dec. 13. Will resume service on Jan. 5 at 4:30 p.m.

  • The Food Hall at Wadsworth Hall — Closed as of Dec. 13. Will resume service on Jan. 5 at 11 a.m.

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

Vastness: Art, Sound, & Meditation

MICHIGAN TECH ART SERIES EVENT Vastness is an art exhibition and meditation lounge area installed at east end of the Van Pelt Opie reading room. Conceived by Anne Beffel, it...