Support Textbook Affordability
The Van Pelt and Opie Library and Campus Store invite you to support textbook affordability! Leverage Course Reserve, a service that allows instructors to share print materials with students. Instructors may complete a Course Reserve Request and share a copy of the materials with the library. The library will add the item to the Course Reserve Collection so that any student may check it out for a limited amount of time.
Don’t have a copy to share? Search the library’s catalog for any assigned texts. Student research consultants (SRCs) and librarians are eager to help anyone who’d like assistance with this task. Stop by the Ask Us! station on the first floor of the library or email for more information.
All materials currently placed on Course Reserve can be found in the “Course Materials from the Library” special collection on the library’s website. An additional list located on our Course Materials page can be searched by course code.
Please Note: The library is unable to purchase new copies of every book assigned in Michigan Tech classes. We rely on collaborations with instructors to make the Course Reserve system a valuable resource for our students!