From Leading Scholar to Campus Leader: Ruby Walker Shares Her Michigan Tech Success Story

Hundreds of extraordinary high school students are visiting Michigan Tech this month. Recognized for their academic and extracurricular achievements, they’re contenders for the Michigan Tech Leading Scholar Award. Ruby Walker knows what that feels like.
“Going into the competition, I can’t lie — I was nervous. But I thrive off of the adrenaline in situations like that,” said the second-year marketing major, who won a full four-year scholarship in 2023. “I knew the judges would be able to see through me if I tried to be anything but myself, so I just tried to be the most authentic version of myself possible. The wonderful thing about the competition is that your peers are in the same boat as you and that makes it especially easy to make friends. I’m still friends with some of the people I met that day.”
Walker shares what it was like to compete for Michigan Tech’s most prestigious undergraduate scholarship, what's happened since, and what’s next on her horizon in a Q&A on Stories from Husky Nation.