Resume Printing at the Van Pelt and Opie Library

Today and tomorrow, Jan. 27 and 28, the Van Pelt and Opie Library is continuing its resume printing service in support of Career Fair!

Get assistance with printing up to 25 copies of your resume in the Exhibit Space on the first floor of the library between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. We will provide high-quality resume paper while supplies of it last.

To have your resume printed, email your PDF resume to with the subject line "Resume for [your name]." Then, visit us on the first floor during these times and we will print while you wait.

Upcoming Banner Maintenance

A production system maintenance window is scheduled for Feb. 9 from 7 a.m to 4 p.m. The following production services will be unavailable during that time:

  • Banner
  • Banweb
  • MyMichiganTech
  • Aspire
  • Course Tools
  • Fischer/
  • OAP Rental System
  • Oracle Reports
  • Papercut Printing
  • Perceptive Content (Imagenow)
  • Pinnacle
  • Sunapsis
  • UC4/Appworx
  • Virtual Cashiering
  • WebFocus

If you have any questions or concerns, we can help. Email IT at or call 906-487-1111.

A Cup of Joe with the Safety Crew

Michigan Tech’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) team will be hosting our next monthly Safety Round Table: a place for all Huskies to share a cup of coffee and learn about the importance of campus health and safety.

We invite you to join us on Feb. 5 from 9-10 a.m. in the MUB Superior Room.

Topic: Brian Lane will present "Safety - A Just Culture: Understanding its Roots and Role in Our Organization." Future talks will expand on the creation of this environment.

If you have a topic you want discussed, please email We would be happy to present on a safety topic you are interested in.

Safety training compliance is vital for providing a safe Husky learning and working environment. This month, we want to hear from you and understand your safety compliance challenges and how to overcome those roadblocks with features within the Safety Skills system. A brief overview of Safety Skill compliance capabilities will be presented before opening the floor for Q&A.

In addition, there will be an informal opportunity to talk with our campus safety professionals for other safety-related questions and issues.

So mark your calendars and come ask the questions you have always wanted to ask and get the answers you need about Michigan Tech Safety programs, legal compliance issues and additional resources… and have a cup of Joe with the Safety Crew!

This Week's C-Cubed Luncheon Menu

Carved and Crafted Catering at Michigan Technological University invites faculty, staff, and their guests to the C-Cubed Luncheon, held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge (MUB 107).

Menu for Thursday, Jan. 30:

  • Barbecue Beef Brisket
  • Chimichurri Charred Cauliflower (VG) (AG)
  • Macaroni & Cheese (V) (PR)
  • Coleslaw (V) (AG)
  • Cookie Platter (V)

The C-Cubed lunch buffet menus are created and prepared by Chef Luis Delgado and his culinary team. As the name suggests, the meals are meant to foster conversation, community and collegiality. Attendees may bring their lunch instead of purchasing the buffet. Fruit-infused water, coffee and tea are available free to all attendees. All vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free items on the buffet are labeled for easy identification. Meals are for dine-in only, and personal containers and to-go meals are not permitted.

The buffet lunch is $15.50 per person. Cash, credit cards and gift cards are accepted. Gift cards can be purchased in the Memorial Union Office (MUB 101).

You can submit C-Cubed feedback using C-Cubed Survey/Comments form. To join the C-Cubed Luncheon Email List and receive weekly menus, please complete the sign-up form.

CS Faculty Candidate Presentation with Jian Zhang

Please join the Department of Computer Science (CS) on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 3 p.m. in Rekhi 214 for a research presentation by tenure-track faculty candidate Jian Zhang following the social hour in Rekhi 218 (coffee and snacks).

Zhang will present "Evolving Modern Storage Stack: I/O Abstraction, Caching and Prefetching."

From the abstract:
With the rise of AI and data-intensive applications, the storage stack has become a critical component for performance. At the same time, new storage hardware devices, such as near-storage accelerators, are emerging. However, the storage stack has struggled to keep pace, leading to significant performance bottlenecks. This talk focuses on our works on how to evolve the modern storage stack through three key pieces: I/O abstraction, caching, and prefetching. First, we introduce a new I/O abstraction to reduce dominant I/O overheads and efficiently utilize near-storage computing capabilities. Next, we present a novel caching management solution that spans host and storage devices, optimizing memory resources. Finally, we present a cross-layered (user-level runtime and OS) prefetching mechanism for optimal performance.

Zhang is a final-year computer science Ph.D. student at Rutgers University. His research interests lie in operating system design and its intersection with storage systems, computer architecture and high-performance computing. His works have been published on top-tier system conferences, including FAST, ASPLOS, SC and SOSP, and he received the Best Paper Award at SOSP 2023. He has collaborated extensively with industry partners such as Samsung Memory Solution Lab and Microsoft Research.

CS Faculty Candidate Presentation with Congyi Zhang

Please join the Department of Computer Science (CS) next Monday, Feb. 3, at 3 p.m. in Rekhi G005 for a research presentation by tenure-track faculty candidate Congyi Zhang, following the social hour in Rekhi 218 (coffee and snacks).

The title of Zhang's presentation is "3D Shape Modeling and Processing for Digital Content Production."

From the abstract:
3D content lies at the heart of everything from games and movies to the metaverse. Creating and representing 3D content is important across computer graphics, virtual reality, and many other applications. While professionals rely on specialized modeling and rendering tools to manipulate and visualize 3D shapes, creating usable 3D content remains a significant challenge for non-professionals. My research tackles this barrier by exploring interactive methods to democratize 3D content creation. In the same vein, I will discuss the theory and methods for representing 3D shapes using emerging neural representations, which offer several advantages over traditional mesh surfaces and enable new applications. I will also present techniques for faithfully and efficiently extracting conventional mesh surfaces from neural representations. Finally, I will outline my research vision and plan, highlighting the integration of digital humans, neural shape representations, and generative models in 3D computer graphics applications.

Zhang is a postdoctoral research and teaching fellow at the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Before joining UBC, he held positions as a research associate at the University of Hong Kong and a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany. Zhang earned his Ph.D. degree in computer science at Peking University and his B.S. degree in mathematics at Fudan University. He has published numerous papers in top-tier conferences and journals, including SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, IEEE VR, CHI, ICCV and TVCG. His research interests encompass computer graphics, human-computer interaction and deep learning in visual computing.

HU Brown Bag Talk: 'Great Lakes Romanticism' with Mark Lounibos

Department of Humanities (HU) Brown Bag talks kick off again on Friday, Jan. 31, at noon in the Petersen Library (Walker 318) with “Great Lakes Romanticism,” a talk by Mark Lounibos, assistant teaching professor of English.

This talk is co-hosted by the Department of Humanities and the Institute for Policy, Ethics, and Culture. All are welcome to attend.

From the abstract:
This emerging project aims to link the historical and cultural period of British Romanticism (1789-1832) to the Great Lakes region of North America, using digital mapping methods to identify locations, actors and events in the Great Lakes area which have influenced British Romantic culture. In particular, the project’s goal is to emphasize and perhaps also recover the influence of Indigenous culture and thought on British Romanticism. Although much work has been done on Transatlantic Romanticism, and some important contributions focus explicitly on indigeneity in this context, few have focused primarily on the Great Lakes region. This waterway was a critical trade/exploration route, and therefore one of the most significant channels for contact with indigenous tribes in the interior of North America. The long-term goals of this project include the production of a digital resource for both scholars and the public, and the development of a Digital Humanities course.

Job Posting

Job Posting for Monday, Jan. 27, 2025

Staff and faculty job descriptions are available on the Human Resources website. For more information regarding staff positions, call 906-487-2280 or email For more information regarding faculty positions, contact the academic department in which the position is posted.

Executive Director for Equal Opportunity and Title IX, Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX. Apply online.

Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer that provides equal opportunity for all, including protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Accommodations are available. If you require any auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations to apply for employment, or for an interview, at Michigan Technological University, please notify the Human Resources office at 906-487-2280 or

In the News

Paul van Susante (MAE) was quoted by Space News in a story about Interlune’s plans to harvest Helium-3 from the moon for use in quantum computing and nuclear fusion. Van Susante provided insight on the challenges of lunar Helium-3 extraction, emphasizing the importance of depth and extraction efficiency.


Lindsay Hiltunen (VPOL) was interviewed by My UP Now in a story about the influence of Finnish immigrants on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Hiltunen discussed the history of Finnish migration to the region and its lasting impact on local culture, businesses and education.


Jason Blough (MAE) was mentioned by the Keweenaw Report in a story about his appointment as the new chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The announcement appeared in Tech Today on Jan. 16.


Professor Emeritus Wayne Pennington (GMES) was quoted by Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune in a story about the decision to put the Dry Wash Reservoir project on hold. Pennington praised the move, highlighting the redundancy of the proposed reservoir in light of Ivins’ improved water conservation efforts.


The Outdoor Wire and Radio Results Network mentioned Michigan Tech in stories about the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ 2024 Great Lakes fish surveys. The surveys provided data for collaborations with researchers from Michigan Tech and other regional universities.


Provost's Office Hours for Spring 2025

Provost Andrew Storer will continue to hold office hours from 1:30-3:30 p.m. each Thursday during the spring 2025 semester. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to schedule an appointment by emailing Amie Ledgerwood at

In addition to scheduled office hours, the provost will also hold open office hours, which will not require an appointment. Open office hours are scheduled at Velodrome Coffee Company, located on the first floor of the Van Pelt and Opie Library, on the following days and times:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 11 a.m. to noon
  • Wednesday, March 26, from 1:30-2:30 p.m.

The information provided here is also available on the Academic Affairs website. To view it, click the Office Hours icon in the bottom right corner of the banner image at the top of the page.


2025 Spring Career Fair

The 2025 Spring Career Fair is happening tomorrow, Jan. 28, between noon and 5 p.m. at the Student Development Complex.

Career Services is very excited about the many opportunities the Career Fair provides our students. Please let us know if you have any questions at


Sign Up for Virtual Workshop on Collecting and Visualizing Metrics to Support Improvement

The Office of Continuous Improvement is offering a virtual workshop, "Understanding the Impact: Collecting and Visualizing Metrics to Support Improvement," on Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Discover how to visually tell the story of the impact of your improvement efforts using some simple methods for collecting and reporting data. These tools can assist you in your efforts to create the best possible experience for students, faculty, staff and other customers.

To see the workshop description and register, complete the Upcoming Michigan Tech Lean Courses form or visit the Continuous Improvement website. Once registered, we'll add you to a calendar event for the course.

This workshop will be taught virtually using Zoom and Miro. Miro is a virtual collaboration tool, similar to a virtual whiteboard. Learn more about how to use Miro at the Miro Academy Essentials course. The course is considered complete after attending the workshop and submitting a couple of brief activities to demonstrate application of concepts. A certification of completion will be awarded after meeting all requirements. There’s no cost to Michigan Tech employees.

This stand-alone workshop is part of the Lean Basics workshop series. It can be taken independently, or, if you complete all five workshops in the series, we’ll award you a Lean Yellow Belt certificate! For more information, email


Career Clothing Needed

The Husky Closet Collective is working to provide students with gently worn business clothing to assist students in preparing for Career Fair and other career opportunities. In order to provide as many options for students as possible, we need to secure donations of professional clothing and shoes. We will be accepting donations of gently worn, clean business clothing through Wednesday, Jan. 29. Donated items will be available to all Michigan Tech students at no cost.

While we will accept any new or gently used professional items, we do have some high-priority items:

  • Men’s shoes
  • Men’s suit coats
  • Men’s dress shirts
  • Men’s dress pants (size 32 and smaller)
  • Ties
  • Women’s size small tops
  • Women’s size 0-6 dress pants

Donation bins are located inside the main entrance of Wadsworth Hall.

Questions? Email

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

Career Fest: Resume and Interview Prep with Employers

10am - 12pm - Casually visit with employers 1pm - 4pm - Resume Review and Interview Prep with recruiters who will be attending tomorrow's Career Fair


First Chemical Engineering Department Chair Candidate Seminar

The Department of Chemical Engineering (ChE) would like to invite you to attend the seminar given by the first department chair candidate. A research seminar will be held at...


Master's Defense: Victoria Hunter

Forest Ecology and Management Advisor: Rodney Chimner Environmental and silvicultural factors associated with northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) seedling regeneration...


Harvesting Energy from Temperature Differences in the Environment to Power Robots and Sensors for Persistent Monitoring

Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar Yi Chao, Ph.D., CEO and Founder, Seatrec, Inc. Speaker Bio: With a Ph.D. in oceanography from Princeton University, Dr. Chao have...


PND Engineering Info Session

Join us for a presentation as Caleb Kaminski, a staff engineer with an MS in Geophysics '23, and Torsten Mayrberger, a principal engineer with a PhD in Civil Engineering...


COB Networking Reception

This event is designed to be an informal 'Meet & Greet' style event for companies and students.


MSE Networking Reception

This event is designed to be an informal 'Meet & Greet' style event for companies and students.


Warrior Met Coal

Lear about careers at Warrior Met Coal.


Copper Country Robotics General Meeting

Join us for our Spring semester meetings for Copper Country Robotics happening weekly on alternating schedules to accommodate for all of our members, mentors, and volunteers....


Plexus Corp - Info Session Mixer

Come enjoy some pizza and network with recruiters to learn about Plexus, what co-ops/internships are available, and their experience helping create the products that build a...


Westwood Info Session

Learn more about geotechnical and civil engineering careers


CEGE Networking Reception

Join employers the night before the Career Fair in this casual mixer. Mix with company representatives to learn what career opportunities are available for you.