Michigan Technological University Joins Michigan’s University Research Corridor

Five students walk and talk on campus sidewalk in the center of the frame with leaves in early fall colors overhead and in the background.

Michigan Technological University has joined the state’s University Research Corridor, solidifying the URC’s position as a driving force for innovation and economic growth in Michigan and the Great Lakes region.

Michigan Tech joins original University Research Corridor members Michigan State University, the University of Michigan and Wayne State University. Tech’s inclusion is the first addition to the URC since its formation in 2006 — and marks a significant expansion of the URC’s collective expertise and impact.

“Michigan Tech is honored to join the URC and to work alongside Michigan’s leading research institutions,” said Rick Koubek, president of Michigan Tech. “Together, we will continue driving innovation, supporting industry, and ensuring our state remains a global leader in research and talent development.”

“Michigan Tech’s addition to the URC is a natural fit,” said Santa J. Ono, chair of the URC executive board and president of the University of Michigan. “MTU’s world-class research and deep expertise in engineering, technology, and environmental science will amplify the URC’s ability to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing Michigan and the world. Together, we are better positioned than ever to support economic growth and innovation throughout the state.”

MTU’s recent elevation to R1 status by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education formally placed the University among the nation’s most elite research institutions. MTU’s membership in the URC builds on that momentum, further aligning the University’s cutting-edge research and talent pipeline with Michigan’s key industries, including advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, sustainability, and life and health sciences.

Read more about the University Research Corridor and the role Michigan Tech will play as a member at Michigan Tech News.

CFO Candidate Open Forum Scheduled Tomorrow

The University has invited three candidates to campus to interview for the position of chief financial officer (CFO) and senior vice president for administration. Each candidate’s interview will include a presentation of their vision for finance at Michigan Tech at an open forum.

CFO Candidate Open Forum Presentation:
Wednesday, March 5, at 10:30 a.m. in MUB Ballroom A1
The third CFO candidate will provide a public presentation titled “Academic Finance and Administration: A Vision for Michigan Tech” tomorrow, March 5, at 10:30 a.m. in Ballroom A1 of the Memorial Union.

Candidate resumes, cover letters, interview dates, open forum information and post-forum recordings can be viewed at the CFO Search Page. A Michigan Tech login is required to view candidate information.

The search committee encourages the campus community to attend each open forum and provide feedback by completing the anonymous comment form provided on the candidate webpage. Feedback forms will be posted immediately following each candidate's visit and will remain available for 72 hours following the last candidate’s visit.

Recordings of the candidate presentations will be available to those who are unable to attend because of a valid scheduling conflict, those working 100% remotely, and those who have accommodations. Please contact the Office of the President at hlherman@mtu.edu to request access.

Global Campus Introduces Third Thursday Series

Global Campus, home of Michigan Tech’s online programs, is holding Third Thursday virtual information sessions. These 45-minute online information sessions, held on the third Thursday of most months, will feature some of Michigan Tech’s online graduate programs — from the most popular to the new.

When you attend one of these sessions, you’ll learn about:

  • Key reasons for earning this certificate and/or degree from Michigan Tech.
  • Exciting trends in the discipline and/or field.
  • Key details about the program's content, structure and delivery.
  • Important information about deadlines and admissions requirements.

The series' first info session is set for March 20 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern. First on deck are the online Tech MBA® and/or the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) programs.

At this session, Mari Buche (COB) will discuss which degree equips you with foundational business skills and which interdisciplinary degree bridges business and engineering. Hosts will also highlight some of the advantages of earning an MBA, student success stories and possible career paths. Admissions advisors will also be on hand for questions.

Register for the Tech MBA® and/or MEM Zoom Session.

You can also learn more about Third Thursdays and register for this session and others on the event webpage.

The Global Campus Team looks forward to seeing you there.

International Travel Updates

Effective March 1, international travel requests are required for any business travel outside of the 50 states that comprise the United States of America.

International travel includes travel to Canada, Mexico, U.S. territories and freely associated states. Please remember that all international University travel must be approved at least 30 calendar days before travel.

For more information, please see the International Travel webpage or call 906-487-2373.

2024 Flexible Spending Account Claims Deadline

Benefits Services would like to remind employees that the deadline to submit claims for their 2024 flexible spending account (FSA) is the end of the day on March 14.

Health care and dependent care claims during the 2024 calendar year are eligible if the date of service was any time from Jan. 1, 2024 to Dec. 31, 2024. Any money remaining in the FSA account after March 31 is forfeited per IRS regulations.

Dependent care claims require an invoice or receipt from the provider. All medical, dental and optical claims should be processed through your insurance plans before submitting them to your health care reimbursement account.

Attach the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) or a claim summary from your insurance plan to the claim form when submitting a claim. For expenses not processed through insurance, submit the itemized receipt.

More information and the FSA claim form can be found online on the Human Resources Flex Spending Accounts page.

For questions, contact Benefits Services at hr-help@mtu.edu or call 906-487-2517.

Seeking Nominations for Student Sustainability Leadership Awards

Are you inspired by a student who is advancing sustainability through their academic work or campus involvement? Nominate them for the Student Sustainability Leadership Awards!

This year's awards will recognize at least two outstanding students who have made significant contributions to sustainability initiatives through their coursework and campus engagement. Winners will be celebrated at a public event in early April. Please note that the 2025 awards will focus exclusively on student achievements and will no longer include a faculty and staff category.

Both self-nominations and nominations from faculty, staff or peers are welcome. Submit your nomination through our brief online form by March 14. Award recipients will be notified by March 20, with a public event to follow.

For reference, our 2024 award recipients were:

  • Undergraduate: Claire Christen (environmental engineering)
  • Graduate: Aritra Chakrabarty (Ph.D. in Environment and Energy Policy candidate)
  • Staff: Robert Handler (ChE)
  • Faculty: Chelsea Schelly (SS)

Final Call to Participate in Graduate Research Colloquium 2025

This is a final reminder for those who want to participate in the Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) 2025. The GRC is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research, enhance your presentation skills and engage with the University community.

The registration deadline for grad students who would like to present at GRC 2025 is Friday, March 7.

Grad Students: Register to Present at GRC 2025.

Faculty and Staff: Register to Be a Judge.

Important Dates:

  • March 7 — Registration Closes
  • March 14 — Posters and Abstracts Due
  • March 25 — Oral Presentations from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the MUB Alumni Lounge
  • March 25 — Poster Presentations from 5-8 p.m. in the Rozsa Lobby
  • March 26 — Annual GRC Awards Banquet from 5-8 p.m. in the Rozsa Lobby


  • Awards: Compete for cash prizes — $300 for first place, $200 for second and $100 for third (in both oral and poster categories).

  • Eligibility: All graduate students are encouraged to participate, whether through oral presentations, poster presentations or both.

  • Questions: For any questions, visit the GSG website or contact gsg-research@mtu.edu.

We look forward to your participation in making GRC 2025 a success.

SYP Hiring 2025 Summer Staff

Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Programs (SYP) is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated student staff members to join our team! Spend your summer mentoring and inspiring middle and high school students while gaining valuable leadership, teaching and teamwork skills.

Positions include competitive pay and meals provided, and some include housing. This is a great opportunity to build your resume, make lifelong connections and experience all that summer in the Keweenaw has to offer. If you're ready for a rewarding and adventure-filled summer, apply today!

Summer Youth Programs runs June 9 to July 25. Visit our Employment page to learn more.

If you have any questions, please feel free to come see us! You can stop by our office in Room 217 of the Administration Building or email us at outreach@mtu.edu.

University Senate Meeting 714

The University Senate will convene Meeting 714 at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, in Chem Sci 102.

Those within the University community unable to attend in person have the option to attend the University Senate meeting via Zoom. Please note: You will need to log in to your MTU Zoom account to join the virtual meeting.

Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of the agenda for this meeting. Senators who are unable to attend should arrange for their alternates to attend in their place.

View the agenda to Meeting 714.

Author Event with Stephanie Carpenter

Join Stephanie Carpenter (HU) for an author event where she will discuss her new novel, “Moral Treatment,” inspired by the State Hospital in Traverse City, Michigan.

The talk is being hosted by Traverse Area District Library on Thursday, March 6, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. The event is available in person or virtually via Zoom.

Join the Author Event on Zoom.

“Moral Treatment” was published on Feb. 25 by Central Michigan University Press. The novel's publication was celebrated at Central Michigan University with a book launch event on Feb. 27.

Inaugural winner of the Summit Series prize, “Moral Treatment” is a work of literary historical fiction. It is set in 1889 at a fictionalized version of the former Northern Michigan Asylum in Carpenter's hometown of Traverse City.

HU Department Chair Candidate Visit

Editor's Note: The candidate's visit on March 6 and March 7 has been canceled.

The Department of Humanities (HU) is pleased to be hosting candidates for on-campus interviews for the position of department chair.

The first candidate will present a department leadership seminar titled "Strategies for Leading Positive Change" on Thursday, March 6, from 11 a.m. to noon in Walker 134 and via Zoom.

The candidate will also present a research and teaching presentation titled “Why Stories Matter: From Researching to Teaching Interdisciplinary Humanities” on Friday, March 7, from 1-2 p.m. in GLRC 202 and via Zoom.

Join the HU Department Chair Seminar on Zoom.

All members of the Michigan Tech community are welcome to attend.

Chemistry Seminar with Lindsey Welch

Lindsey Welch, associate professor of the Department of Chemical, Physical, and Forensic Sciences at Cedar Crest College, will be presenting at this week's Chemistry Seminar. The seminar will be held in person at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 7, in Chem Sci 101.

Welch’s presentation is titled "The Role of Women’s Colleges in the Retention of Women in STEM – NASA TOWERS at Cedar Crest College” and “Use of Raman Spectroscopy & Microcrystalline Tests to Detect Xylazine.”

From the abstract:
This presentation will be delivered in two parts. The first part of the presentation will describe the research funded by NASA Minority Undergraduate Research and Education Project (MUREP) Women’s Colleges and Universities (WCU) at Cedar Crest College. Initiatives such as a peer mentoring program, a summer bridge program for incoming first year students, summer research and internship funding, and career consultants for current students are being implemented to analyze how these activities aid female STEM majors in reaching their career goals. The challenges women face as young professionals in science and math disciplines are well known, yet effective methods for improving retention rates of women in the workforce are still needed. The output of this research will be a guidebook which reports best practices for supporting women to complete their degrees in STEM and enter the workforce. In the second portion of the presentation, novel methods for the detection of xylazine will be described. Xylazine is a veterinary drug that has recently been found in illicit drug samples, and there is an urgent need for a method to detect this compound due to its threat to public health. Known as “zombie drug” and “tranq,” xylazine acts as a respiratory and central nervous system depressant. A systematic exploration of classic amine tests has identified several candidates for the successful detection of xylazine. Coupled with microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, these tests (e.g. Dragendorff, Chen Kao, and Simon’s) can distinguish xylazine from other common amine drugs such as methamphetamine, lidocaine, and ketamine. This work will aid law enforcement and medical personnel in addressing this modern public health threat.

Welch teaches physical, inorganic, environmental and introductory chemistry, and was recognized with The Alumnae Association’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2023. Although her research background began in surface science, she has developed projects in areas of catalysis, oxidative chemiluminescence, and chemical tests for drug detection.

Welch's past work was funded by an American Chemical Society (ACS) Petroleum Research Fund Undergraduate New Investigator Award (PRF UNI) and the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. She is currently the principal investigator for an award from NASA. This work, titled “Tackling Obstacles for Women’s Engagement & Retention in STEM (TOWERS),” is focused on supporting initiatives to confront barriers women face as they enter the STEM workforce.

Welch has a significant service background both at her institution and through scientific organizations. At Cedar Crest, she is faculty president-elect and previously chaired college-wide curriculum and academic policy committees. For the ACS, she is the current chair of the Division of Environmental Chemistry (ENVR), and she has held roles as secretary and alternate councilor for ENVR. She has also served as treasurer and chair of the Lehigh Valley Local Section of ACS and chair of the New York Metropolitan Catalysis Society.

BioSci Seminar Series Speaker: Kelly Goedde-Mathews

Kelly Goedde-Mathews, Ph.D. candidate from University of California, Davis, will be joining the Department of Biological Sciences (BioSci) virtually in GLRC 202 on Thursday, March 6, from 3-4 p.m.

Join the BioSci Seminar on Zoom.

Goedde-Mathews’ presentation is titled “An experimental approach to studying the effects of impaired streamflow on stream habitats, food webs, and fish.”

From the abstract:
Valuable freshwater habitats are rapidly declining in response to climate change and anthropogenic flow alterations (Hauer et al. 1997, Moyle et al. 2017, van Rees et al 2021, Sayer et al. 2025). Habitat degradation has deleterious effects on species that live within these habitats. The focus of my dissertation research is on how flow alterations associated with water pumping and climate change affect stream organisms and their physical habitats, with a primary focus on juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a fish of cultural, economic, and ecological importance in California (Moyle et al. 2017). Using a series of replicated stream channels at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab, I conducted two experiments to measure the effects of impaired streamflow on juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss, their habitats, and stream food webs. The first experiment was conducted in 2023 and tested the effects of repeated, short-term flow alterations, or those common with water pumping projects. The second experiment, conducted in 2024, tested the effects of projected alterations to streamflow patterns based on end-of-century climate conditions. Understanding how organisms and habitats respond to human-altered streamflow is the first step towards addressing and minimizing human impacts to ensure the continued existence of ecologically and culturally valuable species and their habitats.

Job Posting

Job Posting for Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Staff and faculty job descriptions are available on the Human Resources website. For more information regarding staff positions, call 906-487-2280 or email humanresources@mtu.edu. For more information regarding faculty positions, contact the academic department in which the position is posted.

Assistant Director for Academic and Career Integration, Career Services. Apply online.

Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer that provides equal opportunity for all, including protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Accommodations are available. If you require any auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations to apply for employment, or for an interview, at Michigan Technological University, please notify the Human Resources office at 906-487-2280 or humanresources@mtu.edu.

In Print

Adjunct Assistant Professor Pritam Mandal (Physics) is the author of a recently published debut poetry collection.

The collection is titled “Mist of Magic: 30 Heartfelt Poems on Love and Loss.”

Mandal describes the collection as “a journey through the raw emotions of love, longing and loss” written during his Ph.D. journey.

From the bookseller:
A shy, introspective boy from the plains of Bengal and a free-spirited girl from a mountain town in India — both in their early twenties, both dreamy and daring — find their paths entwined while pursuing PhDs at a picturesque university in the USA. She, a researcher immersed in rainforest biodiversity, moves through life with effortless grace, her radiant smile captivating many. He, lost in the mysteries of astrophysics, quietly drowns in the depths of his unspoken love. While he hesitates, she, with an elegant maturity, navigates the affections of admirers, unknowingly becoming the muse of his silent longing. Their story begins on a golden summer evening at a professor’s riverside pub. From that moment, their journey unfolds like a mountain river — meandering through valleys, over loops and rocks, through rugged terrains and soft meadows, braving thick and thin woods — until, one day, it vanishes into the dark unknown. But when she finally reaches for his hand, he finds his voice — not in words, but in music. To You and Why Do You Love Me So Much become the melodies of his heart, echoing a love both profound and fleeting. As she earns her doctorate and disappears into an untraceable horizon, he is left with nothing but his verses — poems born of longing, love, and loss. This collection is his diary, a testament to a love that burned bright and slipped away, leaving behind only poetry.

Digital copies of the collection can be purchased online.

In the News

Stephanie Carpenter (HU) was interviewed by Western Michigan University’s WMUK-FM in an “Art Beat” radio segment about her recently published historical fiction novel, “Moral Treatment.” The novel, published by Central Michigan University Press, won the 2024 Summit Series Prize. Carpenter discussed the novel and her research process in a book Q&A, on the historical fiction blog Reading the Past, in Necessary Fiction's “Research Notes” series, and in a Largehearted Boy “Book Notes” music playlist.


Ph.D. candidate Marie Richards (industrial heritage and archaeology) was interviewed by Grist and Interlochen Public Radio in coverage of recent layoffs at the U.S. Forest Service. Richards’ position as a tribal relations specialist at the Huron-Manistee National Forest was affected by the layoffs.


Indiana Public Media mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the University being designated as an R1 institution by Carnegie Classification, following an update to the criteria for R1 status. 


The Daily Mining Gazette mentioned organizational updates at Michigan Tech in a story about changes to diversity efforts at the University.


Grand Rapids’ WZZM 13 On Your Side published a transcript of the 2025 State of the State address given by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, which called out Michigan Tech as the state’s newest R1 research institution.


The Daily Mining Gazette mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the Houghton City Council's Feb. 26 meeting, where the council passed a resolution expressing concern over federal actions impacting research funding and employment.


Mushing Club at Michigan Tech members Benjamin Amat (pre-health professions) and Haleigh Bonk (forestry) were mentioned in coverage of the CopperDog dog sled races, held Feb. 28 to March 2 in Calumet. Amat, the club president, was quoted by WLUC TV6 and Bonk was mentioned as the CopperDog 150’s second-place finisher by the Keweenaw Report.


Lake Superior Magazine mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about the Hancock Snow Sculpting Invitational, held Feb. 21-23. Winter Carnival snow statue building competitors Tau Kappa Epsilon and St. Albert the Great University Parish participated in the event.


Michigan Tech women’s basketball first-year guard Ella Mason was interviewed by My UP Now in a story about her training at Zero Star Basketball Academy.


Michigan Tech women’s basketball first-year guard Kendall Standfest was interviewed by WLUC TV6 in a story about her season with the Huskies.


March Deadline for Michigan Tech Fund Endowment Check Requests

Please remember to submit check requests for disbursements from Michigan Tech Fund Endowed Funds to mtfchecks@mtu.edu by Monday, March 10, to meet the deadline for the March 26 payment date.


2025 Spring WIA Breakfast with the Provost

Women in the Academy (WIA) is hosting our 2025 Spring Breakfast with the Provost on March 17 from 7:30-9:30 a.m. in the MUB Alumni Lounge, Rooms B and C. The deadline to RSVP is Friday, March 7.

At this breakfast event, we will gather as a group for an open discussion with Provost Andrew Storer. We will have some questions prepared and will also open the floor for your questions.

If you have questions that you want to ask but wish to do so anonymously, please include them in the RSVP or email them to Tara Bal at tlbal@mtu.edu or Smitha Rao at smithar@mtu.edu.

Breakfast will be provided, with vegetarian options available along with coffee, tea and orange juice. If you have any additional dietary restrictions, please share them so we can attempt to arrange special meals.

This event is co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost and WIA.

Event Details:

  • What: 2025 Spring WIA Breakfast with the Provost
  • When: Monday, March 17, from 7:30-9:30 a.m.
  • Where: MUB Alumni Lounge, Rooms B and C
  • RSVP: Please RSVP by Friday, March 7


Sign Up for Virtual Workshop: 'Practical Problem Solving: Leveraging the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle'

The Office of Continuous Improvement is offering a virtual workshop, "Practical Problem Solving: Leveraging the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle," tomorrow, March 5, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Practice different problem-solving methods to test and learn your way toward your goals. Problem-solving in a continuous improvement culture is highly participative, focusing on the problem, not the person, and involving the people who actually do the work.

To see the workshop description and register, complete the Upcoming Michigan Tech Lean Courses form or visit the Continuous Improvement website. Once registered, we'll add you to a calendar event for the course.

This workshop will be taught virtually using Zoom and Miro. Miro is a virtual collaboration tool, similar to a virtual whiteboard. Learn more about how to use Miro at the Miro Academy Essentials course. The workshop is considered complete after attending the workshop and submitting a couple of brief activities to demonstrate application of concepts. A certification of completion will be awarded after meeting all requirements. There’s no cost to Michigan Tech employees.

This stand-alone workshop is part of the Lean Basics workshop series. It can be taken independently, or, if you complete all five workshops in the series, we’ll award you a Lean Yellow Belt certificate! For more information, email improvement@mtu.edu.

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

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