Call for Applications: IDEAhub Course Innovation Grants
Are you interested in making changes to one of your fall 2025 courses? Examples include designing new assignments, redesigning activities, restructuring the course, integrating generative artificial intelligence, and/or incorporating multiple forms of assessment of student learning. Do you lack the time, resources or inspiration to innovate? IDEAhub can help. We have 12 mini grants available in summer 2025 Track A to invest in your ideas.
Mini grants are open to instructors in any discipline, any department. We are particularly interested in projects that focus on incorporating active learning, group activities, new ways of assessing student learning, and/or changing classroom culture.
Grant recipients will participate in a four-week, in-person summer program offering resources, community and deadlines to help you move forward on your project. We welcome participants who know they want to change an aspect of their course, but don’t know how to change it. Our ideation sessions will help you come up with possibilities. We will provide community support for your project via weekly office hours where you can try out your ideas and get feedback from your peers.
Only face-to-face participation options will be available. To be accepted into this program, you will be expected to attend the Kickoff and Ideation Session in Week 1, one office hour per week during Weeks 2 and 3, and the Prototype Testing and Workshop Finale during Week 4.
Tentative Schedule:
- Week 1:
- Kickoff: Monday, May 12 , from 12-2 p.m.
- Ideation Session: Thursday, May 15, from 12-2 p.m
- Weeks 2-3:
- Office Hour: Monday, May 19, from 12-1 p.m. or Thursday, May 22, from 12-1 p.m.
- Office Hour: Wednesday, May 28, from 12-1 p.m. or Thursday, May 29, from 12-1 p.m.
- Week 4:
- Prototype Testing: Monday, June 2, from 12-2 p.m.
- Workshop Finale: Thursday, June 5, from 12-2 p.m.
- Copy of new assignment, syllabus, demo, etc.
- Implementation in a course in fall 2025.
- Written reflection on the outcomes at the end of the fall semester.
- Collaborate with other participants to share your project and lessons learned with the campus community.
- Participants will be encouraged to also share their project at next year’s UP Teaching and Learning Conference.
Participants will receive $1,000 upon completion of the program. Please take five minutes to apply using the IDEAhub Course Innovation Grant Application. Applications are due March 31.
Questions can be directed to