Small UP Businesses Get Huge Boost Thanks to Regional SBDC Office at Michigan Tech
The Upper Peninsula Regional Small Business Development Center (SBDC) office hosted at Michigan Tech is making a difference across the U.P. and recently joined in SBDC Day celebrations across the country.
Yesterday, March 19, marked the ninth annual national SBDC Day designed to raise awareness about how centers around the country contribute to job creation and measurable economic growth.
In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the SBDC regional office hosted at Tech is a collaboration with the University's Office of Innovation and Commercialization and College of Business.
“Michigan Tech is honored to serve as the host for the SBDC regional office,” said Jim Baker, senior associate vice president for research, innovation. “The SBDC team does exceptional and highly impactful work in providing essential support for small businesses across the entire region.”
Baker said the center offers direct advantages to both campus and community.
“Our host relationship facilitates internship opportunities for students and collaboration with faculty in our College of Business, providing valuable experiences and connecting education with practice,” he said. “In addition, active engagement with the University's Office of Innovation and Commercialization leverages our complementary expertise in moving discoveries from the lab to the market and building strong local businesses in the process.”
Learn more about SBDC services and read about some U.P. success stories at the College of Business Newsblog.