Campus Construction Update: McNair Dining Hall Remodel

The latest phase in dining updates on campus was completed with the opening of the renovated dining area in McNair Hall. A complete reconstruction of the dining area took place during the summer break.

The most obvious improvement is the new layout. The single-line model has been replaced with colorful, well-thought-out areas, each dedicated to a specific theme. A new Woodstone pizza oven is a focal point, inviting students to have a slice of pizza while watching the leaves change outside or the construction activity across the highway for the new dorm.

Less obvious but just as important are several infrastructure improvements, including new HVAC systems, fire alarms, kitchen and serving equipment and new energy-efficient coolers.

This investment in student life was one of the main areas identified as a priority in the Campus Master Plan. Additional information on Michigan Tech's Campus Master Plan 2022 “Build the Future” is available on the Facilities Management webpage.

Nominations Open: 2025 MAGS Excellence in Teaching Awards

Nominations are now open for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Awards. Michigan Tech may nominate one student at the M.S. and Ph.D. level. Each graduate program may nominate one student at the M.S. and Ph.D. level. Nominations are due to the Graduate School no later than 4 p.m. on Dec. 11.

Eligible students:

  • Will have been enrolled at Michigan Tech during the 2024 calendar year and have a teaching appointment.
  • Will have earned the Michigan Tech Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award.
  • Will exemplify excellence in the teaching and learning mission of Michigan Tech.

See the application page for complete details on what is required for a nomination.

Innovation Showcase Highlights

Last week, innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) collaborators from Michigan Tech's Office of Innovation and Commercialization (OIC), the MTEC SmartZone, and Kupari Ventures hosted the inaugural Innovation Showcase.

The event kicked off with an Opening Reception at the Observatory Lounge. Andrew Barnard, MTU vice present for research; David Rowe, CEO of the MTEC SmartZone; Jim Baker, MTU associate vice president for research administration; and Carolyn Yarina, managing partner of Kupari Ventures, shared energizing updates about I&E programs/initiatives in the region. Guests were drawn from around the country to network, hear what’s new and lend their voices, resources and expertise.

Thursday, Sept. 19, we started with an Ecosystem & Programming Overview of new initiatives at Tech, including the MTEC SmartZone AMMP accelerator program, a recurring three-month in-person cohort-based program, and Kupari Ventures, a seed-stage investment fund being raised with a Build to Scale grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration with matching funds from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). Kupari intends to address a key need within the state and region by providing early-stage investments into advanced materials and manufacturing startups. Complementary programs offered through OIC include the Global Entrepreneurship in Residence Program (GEIR) — a path forward for foreign-born entrepreneurs to launch their companies in the U.S. — and the Entrepreneurial Fellows program, a Michigan Tech/Northern Michigan University collaboration that provides college students an opportunity to move lab technology to market by helping to identify lead customer needs and opportunities, engage with strategic partners and round out the management team for early-stage startups.

At the Student Research Poster Presentation Contest, undergraduate and graduate researchers showcased their work with a poster presentation and an elevator pitch. Congratulations to Kara Hardy, the winner of the Most Commercial Potential award with "Aerofeathers: Feathered Airfoils Inspired by Quiet Owls," and Anthony Ciletti, the winner of the Most Innovative Research award with "Novel Image-Based Prediction Method for Bulk Acoustic Absorbers." Students, together with I&E champions, were invited to take in the beauty of the Keweenaw during a sunset cruise on Lake Superior.

Friday, Sept. 20, during an Ecosystem Development Discussion, individuals were invited to share their thoughts about how to strengthen our relationship with I&E champions across and outside of the state, with a goal of advancing resources and relationships across the I&E ecosystem and building a pipeline of investable opportunities for Kupari. The grand finale was a Startup Showcase where we heard pitches from Michigan Tech and community startups: Revex, Keweenaw Ecological Solutions, Gig Boss, Myconaut, Resurgent, Mini PEMS, Granularity, Biomang, Sizeologic, and Integrated Molecular Innovations. Afterward, we hosted a panel discussion moderated by MJ Cartwright, entrepreneur in residence at Innovation Partnerships, who engaged successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs Christine Roberts, technology software and services executive; Anurag Kamal, CEO of ElectricFish; and Wade Sheffer, vice president of GM Energy.

Celebration of CS Graduate Student Research

Learn more about current Department of Computer Science (CS) research and hear from graduate students in the department at the first annual Celebration of Computer Science Graduate Student Research on Friday, Sept. 27, at 3 p.m. in Rekhi 214.

All are invited. A social hour will follow.

Join Us for Enterprise Day!

Do you know a student curious about hands-on learning? Or a student looking to turn their passion into real-world experience? Whether you're still exploring or ready to dive in, Enterprise Day is the perfect chance for students to discover what the Michigan Tech Enterprise Program has to offer!

Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 6-8 p.m. in the Rozsa Center lobby and explore a dynamic showcase of our Enterprise teams. This is a unique opportunity to connect with Enterprise students, staff and faculty, hear about their exciting projects, and find the team that interests you.

Enterprise teams focus on everything from advanced engineering to sustainable innovation, offering real-world experiences across disciplines. Not sure where you fit in? Chat with students and program staff to learn which team aligns with your goals.

You’ll be amazed at the range of opportunities — from developing cutting-edge technologies to solving global challenges. Enterprise Day is your gateway to joining one of these innovative teams and taking the next step in your journey.

Don't miss out on this exciting chance to kick-start your future! No registration is required, and all students are welcome. For more information about each team, check out our Enterprise Day website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Participate in GSG's Annual 3MT Competition

The Graduate Student Government (GSG) annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition will be held on Nov. 7. The 3MT competition is open to all MTU graduate students, as it allows them to present their research to a general audience within three minutes. Participants are judged on their communication and presentation skills while delivering their content with one static PowerPoint slide.

The registration for the local competition is open now and will continue through Nov. 1. Register for the 3MT competition

The competition is divided into two phases: preliminary rounds from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a final round from 6-8 p.m. Both phases will be held on campus in the MUB Ballroom. 

The winner and runner-up will receive cash prizes of $300 and $200, respectively, while a People’s Choice award will be given to a speaker selected by the event’s audience, with a cash prize of $100. In addition, the winner of the local Michigan Tech competition will earn the opportunity to present at the regional 3MT competition.

For inquiries, email For full event information, visit the 3MT page on GSG's website.

Fall MTU Aquatics: Session 2 Registration Opens Today

Today's the day! Registration for Session 2 of Fall 2024 Michigan Tech Aquatics programs opens today, Sept. 25, at 8 a.m.!

We offer a wide range of programs for different ages and ability levels. We look forward to seeing you at the pool!

Questions? Contact Aquatics Manager Annie Bengry at or 906-487-2995.

WIBIT Wednesday at the SDC Pool

Join Michigan Tech Recreation for WIBIT Wednesday tonight, Sept. 25, from 5-8 p.m. at the SDC Pool! Test your individual skills on the course or challenge your friend to a race across the obstacles.

Upcoming WIBIT Dates | Combinations:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 5-8 p.m. | Step, V-Connect, Cliff, Slope
  • Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 5-8 p.m. | Step, V-Connect, Bridge, Slope
  • Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 5-8 p.m. | Step, Bridge, Cliff, Slope

Come visit us at the pool to try out your skills! For more information, visit our WIBIT page.

RTC Brown Bag Speakers: Andrew Fiss and Lindsay Hiltunen

Join the Department of Humanities and the Rhetoric, Theory and Culture (RTC) graduate program for this month's Brown Bag event, which will be held on Oct. 4 at noon in the Petersen Library, Walker 318.

Professor Andrew Fiss and Lindsay Hiltunen, Michigan Tech University Archivist and RTC Ph.D. student, will present "Histories from Ephemeral Documents: Researching the Difficult to Find in University Archives."

Researchers have a lot to learn from ephemeral documents in university archives. They present different pictures of local life than established histories, and yet as documents, they are often overlooked or misunderstood. This RTC Brown Bag encourages discussion about the value of such ephemera with short examples from Fiss and Hiltunen.

Fiss will present about a composition notebook from Motta Sims in the archives of Spelman College, a historically Black women’s college in Georgia. Sims in 1916 traveled to Spelman for a class in cooking. Her notebook’s form and content reflected the framing of cooking as scientific study, which proved important for the broader movement of home economics; yet, because it’s contained in the files of a white president of the institution, the notebook could be overlooked.

Hiltunen will present about the “Verna Grahek Mize - Save Lake Superior Campaign Collection” in the Michigan Tech Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections. The collection includes advocacy posters and cards from the late 1960s and 1970s, responding to corporate communications that represented Lake Superior and the southern lake basin as unproblematically pristine. Though Mize has become a local legend, the contents of the collection show a history of local environmentalism both broader and more specific than Mize’s legacy.

Join these researchers for a discussion of the promises and challenges of studying archival ephemera.

MSE Seminar with Bernard Gaskey

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is hosting a seminar presented by Bernard Gaskey, Sigma Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, at 1 p.m. tomorrow, Sept. 26, in M&M 610.

Gaskey will present "Thermodynamics at Interfaces: Evolving the Paradigm for Multi-Material Design and Manufacturing."

From the abstract:
Modern designs for aircraft engines, automotive structures, and powerplants increasingly rely on combinations of materials to achieve desired performance. Metal components require contributions to mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability from multiple alloys to be effective. Manufacturing multi-material parts remains a challenge because of crystallographic and property mismatches in the mixed-material region at the interface. Here, we use a combined computational and experimental approach to address the joining of vanadium to a variety of common engineering alloys. Applying the Thermo-Calc software suite, we identify composition pathways between the materials that maximize manufacturability while minimizing deleterious intermetallic phases. We combine these results with experiments using a variety of manufacturing techniques including diffusion bonding and electron beam and laser additive manufacturing. The feedback between closely coupled computational screening and experimental validation provides a much more efficient material development pathway than when the techniques are used individually.

Gaskey is a research engineer on the welding and joining team in the Sigma Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory, where his research interests include multimaterial additive manufacturing and phase behavior at interfaces. Before joining Los Alamos, he was a staff scientist at the University of Dayton Research Institute supporting metal additive manufacturing efforts at the Air Force Research Laboratory.

He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University, and his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in materials science in 2018. He was a research fellow in the mechanical and aerospace engineering department at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research has spanned dealloying, electrocatalysis and alternative energy, optical characterization, and mechanics of composite materials.

Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar/AEESP Distinguished Lecture with Lynn Katz

The next Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar will also serve as the 2024-25 Association of Environmental Engineers and Science Professors (AEESP) Distinguished Lecture. It will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30, in GLRC 202.

Lynn Katz, professor and Hussein M. Alharthy Centennial Chair in Civil Engineering and director of the Center for Water and the Environment at the University of Texas at Austin will present "Translating Molecular Science to Practical Application in Natural Systems and Engineered Processes."

Read Katz's abstract and bio on the University Events Calendar.

MAE Graduate Seminar Speaker: Haseung Chung

The next Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Graduate Seminar Speaker will present at 4 p.m. tomorrow, Sept. 26, in MEEM 112.

Haseung Chung wil present “Development of Scalable and Expeditious Additive Manufacturing (SEAM): A Solution to High Production Additive Manufacturing.”

Chung’s professional interests and recent research include developing new additive manufacturing processes, magnetic-field assisted finishing (MAF), optimizing additive manufacturing for biomedical applications and cyber manufacturing systems.

In the News

Christian Montesinos (IPS) and Michigan Tech students Valentin Ravotti, Felipe Altamirano and Cate Roelant were quoted by The Daily Mining Gazette in a story about the 35th annual Parade of Nations, which celebrated diversity and brought together Michigan Tech students and Copper Country residents on Sept. 21. My UP Now and The Keweenaw Report also ran stories about the parade, and a recap was featured in My UP Now’s broadcast. Leading up to the parade, interviews with Mariana Nakashima (IPS) were aired by WLUC TV6 and WZMQ 19 News.


Kristin Brzeski (CFRES) was mentioned by Mississippi Media in a story about a $2.1 million grant funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to study red wolf ancestry among wild canines along the Gulf Coast. The story was picked up from Mississippi State University’s Sept. 19 announcement.


The Daily Mining Gazette covered Michigan Tech cross country’s Sam Lange being named GLIAC Athlete of the Week.


Virtual Office Hours Available for Research Excellence Fund

Have questions about the Research Excellence Fund? Planning to submit a proposal to either the Research Seed or Scholarship and Creativity Grant? The Research Development office is scheduling virtual office hours tomorrow, Sept. 26, at 11 a.m. to answer any questions you may have. To sign up for the office hours, please email, and you will be added to the calendar invite.

Keep in mind that proposals must be started and routed for approval in Cayuse by the internal deadline of Tuesday, Oct. 1. Final proposals are due no later than 5 p.m. on Oct. 8, and must be uploaded electronically in Cayuse. This due date will be strictly enforced based on the time stamp marked in the Cayuse system. Early submission is encouraged.

For additional information, see the Research Excellence Fund webpage. Questions can be directed to


Academic Freedom Decoded: An Interactive Session for Faculty

Plan to join other faculty from across campus on Tuesday, Oct. 1, for an event focused on the principles of academic freedom. The session will take place from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Library East Reading Room.

The goals of the session are to develop a shared understanding of key terms and issues, engage in dialogue about academic freedom on campus in a variety of settings, and share perspectives that influence participants’ current positions on the topics. The session will begin with an overview provided by some of the University’s leadership, followed by discussion of scenarios related to issues of academic freedom.


One Week Away: C+X Showcase from Oct. 2-4

The Fall Computing Showcase is back and is right around the corner!

The theme of this year’s iteration focuses on the convergence of computing (C+X) and how computing technologies pervade nearly everything, from biomedicals to environmental conservation, and enhance research and education.

This year’s event will continue to host impactful speakers and talks, as well as a student poster competition. New and exciting facets of this year's showcase include the official Center for Artificial Intelligence rollout reception and AI Art Workshop, to commemorate the recent launch of the Center for Artificial Intelligence at Michigan Tech.

Mark your calendars for Oct. 2-4! View the full event schedule on the ICC website.

We are excited to see everyone for this year’s event!


Info Session: 'How to Get Human Subjects Research Approval'

The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at Michigan Tech will present the virtual lunchtime information session "How to Get Human Subjects Research Approval" tomorrow, Sept. 26, to help people with Institutional Review Board submissions.

IRB submissions are significantly different from grant proposals or academic papers. They have to focus mainly on the practical details of how participants will be found, recruited and consented, and exactly what people will have to do as part of the project.

During the lunchtime Zoom presentation, Mike Reay will talk for 30 minutes about what the IRB is looking for in a submission and how to minimize the number of changes required before a project is approved. He will then field any questions people have about the process.

Join the HRPP info session on Zoom.

The presentation will be recorded. Any departments or groups of researchers who would like to schedule an in-person session on this topic at a later date are welcome to contact Reay to make arrangements.


Fall 2024 Portrait Sessions for Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students

University Marketing and Communications is happy to announce that the UMC Photo Studio will host fall 2024 complimentary professional portrait sessions on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day.

Photos will be taken in the UMC Photo Studio, located on the Garden Level of the Administration Building in Admin G37. The background is neutral grey.

Your portrait will only take 2-3 minutes to shoot. There is no online sign-up, but please note that a HuskyCard is required to get your portrait taken. Images will be emailed to your email address roughly 2-3 weeks after the session.

For any questions, reach out to


This Week's C-Cubed Luncheon Menu

Carved and Crafted Catering at Michigan Technological University invites you to join the C-Cubed Luncheon for the 2024-25 school year. The weekly luncheon is held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge (MUB 107). All faculty and staff, along with their guests, are invited.

Menu for Thursday, Sept. 26:

  • Sweet and Sour Chicken (PR)
  • Asian Vegetable Stir Fry (VG)
  • Asian Salad (VG)
  • Basmati Rice (VG) (AG)
  • Marinated Tofu (VG) (AG)
  • Vegetable Spring Roll (V)

The C-Cubed lunch buffet menus are created and prepared by Chef Luis Delgado and his culinary team. As the name suggests, the meals are meant to foster conversation, community, and collegiality. Attendees may bring their lunch instead of purchasing the buffet. Fruit-infused water, coffee, tea, and cookies are available free to all attendees. All vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free items on the buffet are labeled for easy identification. No takeout service or personal containers are permitted.

The buffet lunch is $15.50 per person. Cash, credit cards, and gift cards are accepted. Gift cards can be purchased in the Memorial Union office, room 101.

You can submit C-Cubed feedback using C-Cubed Survey/Comments form. To join the C-Cubed Luncheon Email List and receive weekly menus, please complete the sign-up form.

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

that thing between my teeth is my foot Exhibit - Michigan Tech Art

MICHIGAN TECH ART SERIES EVENT Douglas Degges is presenting two parallel artistic explorations in the Rozsa A-Space Gallery. Since the fall of 2019, Degges has been creating...


Master's Defense: Laura Albrant

Applied Cognitive Science & Human Factors Co-advisors: Leo Ureel and Shane Mueller ENHANCING STUDENTS’ USER EXPERIENCE WITH A CODE CRITIQUER Attend Virtually:...


Moving your Research Forward with GrantForward

Join the Research Development and GrantForward teams to learn how to use this comprehensive tool to move your research program forward. In addition to system basics, the team...


Café Français - French Conversation Hour

Café Français, the French conversation hour group invites you to join! Practice your French, explore the French-speaking world, and meet new people. Meetings are from 4-5, at...


Copper Country Robotics General Meeting

Copper Country Robotics will be meeting regularly on alternating weeks on Wednesday at 5PM in Fisher 133 (starting on 9/25/2024). This general meeting is open to all current...


Python Workshop

A free, in person, python workshop for beginners!


SoundGirls General Meeting!

SoundGirls strives to empower women and minorities in the audio industry. This year, we are working on a halloween themed reality TV show.


WIBIT Wednesday

Come make a splash with our inflatable pool obstacle course called the WIBIT! You can test your individual skills on the course or challenge a friend to a race across the...


Dr. Lauren Cook - Name Your Story: How To Talk Openly About Mental Health

Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority presents Dr. Lauren Cook! Dr. Lauren Cook helps students fight the stigma of mental illness and teaches communities how to implement wellness. She...


Healthy Relationships - One Love

This is a 90-minute informational session about what Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships look like. Using material from the One Love Foundation. One Love Foundation is a...


Kingsley Alumni Social

Michigan Tech alumni and friends are invited to join volunteer hosts Rachel '16 and Donald '15 Straughen, for a social gathering on Wednesday, September 25, from 6-8 p.m. at...