Tomorrow's Needs: Energy and the Environment

“Tomorrow's Needs” is a series of opinion pieces from leaders around campus on the role that Michigan Tech innovators will play to define the world’s emerging needs.
In President Rick Koubek’s recent article, he asked: “In 2035, what will society’s most pressing questions be? And what are Michigan Tech’s best opportunities for answering those questions?”
Continuing the discussion, Provost Andrew Storer and College of Engineering Dean Michelle Scherer have identified three pressing energy and environment questions that society will be facing in 2035 and explained how we at Michigan Tech can position ourselves to answer them.
“As a leader in research and education, Michigan Tech must answer the call to identify and address key questions that address the needs of tomorrow,” they write. “These needs are rapidly changing as technology advances at an ever-increasing pace, with big data needs for artificial intelligence skyrocketing and robotics and automation redefining how we manufacture things. These technology leaps in a time of changing climate make energy and the environment two key areas where Michigan Tech leadership is needed.”
Read their full article at Michigan Tech News.