FIB Deposition for Lift Out Technique

1. Move the probe left and lower it enough so it is away from the depo gun.

Nozzle Position Escape

2. From the DEPO tab menu, select Nozzle Position: Escape.


In the MANIPULATION CONTROLLER, turn off HOLD OFF and BUZ ON. Press ESC to remove the probe. Turn the beam OFF.

SC Air Lock

3. Close the S.C. AIRLOCK VALVE. Insert the specimen by turning a few degrees counterclockwise and releasing. Open the S.C. AIRLOCK VALVE.

Scan button

Press the Continuous Scan button.

4. Return to the area to be lifted out.

Column Adjustment

5. Select Column Adjustment > File > Quit > OK.


Open the Fabrication menu.

Fabrication Condition

6. Select the following image parameters:

  • Area x Zoom: 256 x 8
  • Beam: Beam-01

Scan section

NOTE: The Beam Names should match in the Scan section and the Fabrication Condition section.

Scan button

7. Press Continuous Scan. Locate the area that needs to be lifted out and adjust the focus, brightness, and contrast. Register the settings.

Get Image button

8. Click the Get Image button.

Red voltmeter

9. Check that the depo gun is heated to 6.2 VDC on red voltmeter.

Depo tool

10. Use the DEPO TOOL to draw a rectangular box for the pad.

  • Dimensions: 15 x 3
  • Time: 10–12 min.
  • Scan:

NOTE: Make sure the beam name is changed under the Fabrication Condition as well as on the right panel.

Drawn rectangle

Drawn rectangle.

Depo parameters

Depo parameters.

Fabrication Start button

11. Press Fabrication Start button and run until complete.

Deposition Quality

12. Use M0-50 to check the deposition quality.

Save and C. Copy buttons

13. Under the Stage menu, click C. Copy > Save to save position.

Operating Procedure: Rough Milling for Lift Out Technique