Welcome to Michigan Tech's University Policies and Procedures Manual. This Manual is a developing document and is available on this web page. The goal for this Manual is to include administrative policies and procedures that have general applicability throughout the University. As each policy is completed it will be made available in this Manual. To make it easy to download and read, we have divided the text into short sections and provided navigational buttons at the top and bottom of each page to assist you.
Other Policy and Procedure Manuals
As sections and chapters from the MTU Operating Procedures Manual are updated, they will be moved to this Manual. If you can not find the policy you are looking for here, please go to the MTU Operating Procedures Manual web site. At this time, the Board of Trustees Policy Manual will be separately maintained and is available from the Board of Trustees office home page or by clicking here.
Writing or Revising Policy or Procedure
If you are an University employee who is writing or revising a policy or procedure, please consult policy 1.01 of this Manual: Establishing and Creating University Policy and Procedures. The policy outlines the policy and procedure formatting and organization, and the process for approval of policies and procedures. There is a link in that policy to the templates you are encouraged to use.
Questions, Advice, Service
Requests for advice and service for the University Policies and Procedures Manual should be directed to the office of Business Operations of the Office of Administration of Michigan Technological University by emailing policy@mtu.edu.
Table of Contents
1. General University
A category of policies of a general nature affecting faculty, staff, and students. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: policy and procedure development, general subjects, computing.
- 1.01 Establishing and Creating University Policy and Procedures
- 1.02 Development, Revision, and Decommissioning of University Policy
- 1.03 Consensual Relations
- 1.04 Mineral Collection Management Policy
- 1.05 University Web Policy
- 1.06 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
- 1.07 Record Retention
- 1.08 University Food Policy
- 1.09 Information Security Compliance
- 1.10 Closure of University
- 1.11 Disclosure and Release of Student Information
- 1.12 Representing Safety in University Photographs
- 1.13 Preferred First Name
- 1.14 Title IX Policy
- 1.15 Accessible Information and Communication Technology
- 1.16 Volunteer Policy
- 1.17 Foreign Visitor Policy
- 1.18 Advocacy Policy
- 1.19 Minors Involved in University-sponsored Programs or Programs Held in University Facilities
- 1.20 Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools
2. Business and Finance
A category of policies governing University financial resources. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: authorization, contracts, grants, purchasing, budgets, tuition and fees, tuition classification, student financial aid, travel, fees, audits, check requests for the Tech Fund.
- 2.01 Special Fees and Use Charges
- 2.02 Meal Per Diem Rates
- 2.03 Business Meals and Banquets
- 2.04 Checking Accounts
- 2.05 Payment from Michigan Tech Fund Gifts/Donations
- 2.06 Property Management
- 2.07 Employee Debt
- 2.08 Home and Off-Campus Internet Service Allowance
- 2.09 Cellular Device Service Allowance
- 2.10 Selection of Vendors
- 2.11 Approvals for Purchases
- 2.12 Honorarium Payments
- 2.13 Financial Records and Reporting
- 2.14 Information Technology Procurement
- 2.15 House Hunting and Moving Reimbursements
- 2.16 Sales and Use Taxes
- 2.17 Donor Confidentiality
- 2.18 Cash Management
- 2.19 Approving and Signing Contracts and Other Legal Documents On Behalf of the University
- 2.20 University Purchasing Card
3. Academic
A category of policies governing teaching, academics and academic administration. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: academic regulations, academic programs, admissions standards, advising, curriculum, external agreements, general education, international education, instruction, summer session, and student performance.
4. Research
A category of policies that pertain to research activities.
- 4.01 For Future Use
- 4.02 Sponsored Project Payroll Certification
5. Campus and Facilities
A category of policies that pertain to the use of the campus and its facilities. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: law enforcement, parking, buildings, infrastructure, real estate, inventory and equipment, building access, solicitation/distribution on campus.
- 5.01 Use of Surveillance and Monitoring Technology
- 5.02 Weapons on University Property (Rescinded 05/30/2017 and replaced by Board of Trustees 12.7 Weapons Registration)
- 5.03 Parking Citation Enforcement Policy (Rescinded 05/10/2018 and replaced by Board of Trustees Ordinance 1)
- 5.04 Distributing of Promotional Materials (replaced by Policy 5.06)
- 5.05 University Remembrance Garden
- 5.06 Reserved Use of Designated University Outside Grounds
- 5.07 Chalking
- 5.08 Public Safety Oversight Committee
- 5.09 Unauthorized Camping on University Property
- 5.10 Uncrewed Aerial Systems on Campus
6. Human Resources
A category of policies that pertain to human resources. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: benefits, compensation, separation, non-discrimination, hiring, appointments and reassignments, leaves, absences, holidays, vacations and university closures, performance, retirement, undergraduate and graduate student employment.
- 6.01 For Future Use
- 6.02 For Future Use
- 6.03 For Future Use
- 6.04 For Future Use
- 6.05 Employee Code of Conduct
- 6.06 Additional Compensation
- 6.07 Exemplary Performance Bonus
- 6.08 Signing Bonus
- 6.09 Retention Bonus
- 6.10 Sponsored Funding Bonus
- 6.11 Summer Appointment and Compensation
- 6.12 Supervision of Relatives
- 6.13 Employee Complaints and Grievances
- 6.14 Salary Adjustments
- 6.15 Employment of Foreign Nationals
- 6.16 For Future Use
- 6.17 Overtime Compensation and/or Compensatory Time Off
- 6.20 Hiring for Work Outside the United States
- 6.21 Employee Separation/Transfer
- 6.22 University Background Checks
- 6.24 Employee Education
7. Student
A category of policies governing University life for students. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: student conduct, intercollegiate athletics, health insurance, greek life, student organizations, undergraduate student government, graduate student council.
- 7.01 Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Students and Student Organizations
- 7.02 Graduate Student Parental Leave
- 7.03 Undergraduate Short-Term Leave of Absence
8. Public Relations
A category of policies that pertain to the advancement and marketing of the University. As policies are developed, subjects may include but are not limited to: publications, logos, information releases.
04/10/2017: Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. General Policy numbers renamed. For example: "2.1000 General University" was renamed to "1.00 General University".