FIB Safety Procedures


Control panel

Initial Settings

When you begin a session on the FIB, do not assume that all of the controls are properly set. Prior to starting the session, the IP1, IP2, and DP/Water/Air Press lights should be all be green. In addition, the S.C. and S.E.C. VACUUM lights should be lit green and on HIGH. Always check the conditions before you begin using the Brief Operating Instruction sheet found in the lab.

Specimen Height

The size of a specimen is constrained by the dimension of the goniometer stage. Specimens should fit the dimensions of 5x8x1 mm. If the specimen is too large in width, it will not enter the goniometer stage properly and could become trapped. If the specimen is too large in height, there is a risk of the deposition gun nozzle striking the specimen. Moreover, exceeding the normal height dimension could make it difficult to bring the specimen into focus.

Exchange Rod

The specimen holder is inserted into the specimen chamber through the goniometer stage. NOTE: the grease used to lubricate the rod is toxic; therefore, DO NOT TOUCH THE EXCHANGE ROD ITSELF!


When inserting or removing the specimen holder rod from the goniometer stage, insert the holder into the stage in a straight line. Any vertical or horizontal torque can flex the o-ring on the specimen holder, momentarily breaking the seal. Vacuum leaks can be avoided by applying little or no torque to the rod. If the chamber vacuum is lost, call lab personnel.

Electrical and General Safety

  • Please do not walk around the back of the control console, or the FIB for any reason. If something has fallen back there, or something is unplugged, please contact lab personnel.
  • It is not permitted to have food or drink in any of the microscope labs. If a spill results, not only will the FIB be harmed, but your account will be charged for the damage.
  • Water is used to cool parts of the FIB and occasionally leaks occur. If you notice any water on the floor that you did not cause, leave the room immediately and contact either lab personnel or Public Safety.

Specimen Preparation