2025-26 Advanced Placement (AP) Credit Guide

For students entering Michigan Tech during the 2025-26 school year.

The Advanced Placement (AP) program, a service of the College Board, allows students to earn college credits while they are still in high school.

Scores Required, Credits Granted, by Subject
Subject Score Credit Granted
Art History 3 or higher  ART 1100 for 3 credits
Art Studio—Drawing 3 or higher ART 1100 for 3 credits
Art Studio—2D Design 3 or higher ART 1100 for 3 credits
Art Studio—3D Design 3 or higher ART 1100 for 3 credits
Biology 5 BL 1100, BL 1110, BL 1200, BL 1210 for 8 credits
  3, 4 BL 1400, BL 1410 for 4 credits
Calculus AB 4, 5 MA 1160 for 4 credits
  3 May enroll in MA 2160, credit for MA 1160 awarded upon earning a grade of "C" or higher in MA 2160
  2 May enroll in MA 1161
Calculus BC 4, 5 Placement into MA 3160 with credit granted for MA 1160 and MA 2160
  3 May enroll in MA 3160, credit for MA 1160 and MA 2160 (8 credits) awarded upon earning a grade of "C" or higher in MA 3160
  2 or lower Credit based on AB subscore and AB guidelines
Chemistry 4, 5 CH 1150, 1151, 1153, 1160, 1161, 1163 for 10 credits
  3 CH 1150, 1151, 1153 for 5 credits
Computer Science A 4, 5 CS 1121 for 3 credits
Computer Science Principles 3 or higher TRU XXXX for 3 credits
Economics—Macro 4, 5 ECA for 3 credits (approved HASS credit)*
  3 ECA for 3 credits
Economics—Micro 4, 5 ECA for 3 credits (approved HASS credit)*
  3 ECA for 3 credits
English Language and Composition 3 or higher UN 1015 for 3 credits
English Literature and Composition 3 or higher HU 2503 for 3 credits
Environmental Sciences
3 or higher GE 2100 for 3 credits
European History 3 or higher SS 2502 for 3 credits
German Language 3 or higher HU 2282 3281, 3282 for 9 credits upon successful completion of either HU 3284 or 3285
Government and Politics—US 3 or higher SS 2600 for 3 credits
Government and Politics—Comp. 3 or higher SS 2635 for 3 credits
Human Geography 3 or higher SS 2400 for 3 credits
Music Theory

3 or higher MUS 1100 for 3 credits
Physics 1 4, 5 PH 1110, 1111 for 4 credits
Physics 2 4, 5 PH 1200, 1210 for 4 credits
Physics C—Mechanics
(for physics majors)
4, 5 PH 1160, 1161 for 5 credits
Physics C—Mechanics
(for all other majors)
4, 5 PH 1100, 2100 for 4 credits
Physics C—Elec. and Mag.
(for physics majors)
4, 5 PH 2260, 2261 for 5 credits
Physics C—Elec. and Mag.
(for all other majors)
4, 5 PH 1200, 2200 for 4 credits
Pre-Calculus 2 or higher MA 1032 for 4 credits
3 or higher PSY 2000 for 3 credits
Spanish Language or
Spanish Literature
3 or higher HU 2293, 3291, 3292 for 9 credits upon
successful completion of HU 3294, 3295, or 3296‡
Statistics 3 or higher MA 2710 for 3 credits
US History 3 or higher SS 2500 for 3 credits
World History 3 or higher SS 2504 for 3 credits

*Students scoring 4 or higher on both economics exams will receive 3 credits for EC 2001 and 3 credits for approved economics credit.

‡ Arrangements must be made with the Department of Humanities' modern languages director. Questions may be directed to 906-487-2540 or humanities@mtu.edu.

Official Advanced Placement scores must be submitted to Michigan Tech directly from the testing agency. Our school code is 1464. If you have not previously requested your scores be sent to Michigan Tech, contact College Board at 1-888-CALL4AP.