AMP-UP has been designed to initially address faculty retention, satisfaction, and career progress. The University‘s long term goal is to utilize this process as a method to transform and improve the work environment by focusing on dimensions that address faculty, staff, and student needs.
Near-term goals include:
Scholarship and Research Dynamics
Improve the ability of pre-tenure faculty (years 1-6) and tenured faculty (years 7 and beyond) to conduct research, particularly in terms of improving proposal development and success but also in terms of the effective and timely spending of research support dollars awarded at the time of hire.
Unit Climate
Create an inclusive, civil culture within each unit that values not only diverse backgrounds and perspectives, but also the unique contributions of each faculty member, whether that involves research, teaching, service, or a combination.
Dual Career
Determine the critical issues affecting dual career partner dissatisfaction and turnover (when one or both partners are faculty). Improve the retention of dual career partners by creatively addressing the critical issues that have resulted in dual career dissatisfaction and turnover.
Supporting Teams
Data Collections and Analysis
Engage in a rigorous, systematic approach to compile and present the data necessary to justify the development and tracking of the primary initiatives. The team is focused on not only the metrics specific to initiatives, but also advising on the building of the back-end infrastructure to make data driven decisions pervasive at Tech.
Programs Intervention and Implementation Team
Identify and develop programs to address the specific data-informed postulates for any gender discrepancies identified. In response to specific unit issues, a set of possible interventions and programs are identified, researched, recommended, and implemented.
Continuous Improvement
Arrange for and facilitate Lean events on specific topics when they are requested by any of the three initiatives teams. Provide protocols to assess whether useful information has been overlooked, analytics to study and prioritize possible programs to address career issues, and critical reflection protocols to ensure that participants question fundamental assumptions and well-accepted practices to avoid perpetuating the status quo rather than achieving inclusiveness and diversity.