Alumni Awards

The greatest measure of any school is the quality of the graduates it sends into the world. Clearly, by that and by many other measures, Michigan Tech is one of the best. Since the establishment of the first award in 1969, a very important role for our Alumni Board of Directors is recognizing our extraordinary students and alumni.

Nominations for the 2025 Alumni Awards are now closed! 

Outstanding Young Alumni

2024 Award Recipients: Andrea (Walvatne) Falasco '12 and Anne Dancy Maher '12

Distinguished in their careers before the age of 35; achieved a position or some distinction noteworthy for one so recently graduated.

Young Alumni Past Recipients

Honorary Alumni

2024 Award Recipient: David D. Reed

Strongest non-alumni supporters of Michigan Tech; provided service and support of the University characteristic of dedicated alumni.

Honorary Past Recipients

Outstanding Service

2024 Award Recipient: Brenda R. Ryan '76

Significant contributions to the success of the Board of Directors and/or the University. 

Outstanding Service Past Recipients

Distinguished Alumni

2024 Award Recipient: Michael A. Pulick Jr. '86

Outstanding contributions in both their careers and to Michigan Tech

Distinguished Past Recipients


2024 Award Recipient: Danna R. Kasom '14

Volunteer leadership or service that has improved or enriched the lives of others and the welfare of humanity, and whose accomplishments reflect admirably on or bring honor to their Alma Mater.

Humanitarian Past Recipients

The Alumni Board of Directors and the Office of Alumni Engagement are proud to partner with the Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) Office in offering the Outstanding Future Alumni Award to a current student who supports the Alumni Engagement mission of "Celebrating Traditions. Creating Connections."

This award is given out annually, along with other student awards, at the Student Leadership Awards Ceremony in the spring. Different from the above Alumni Awards, the nomination and selection process is run through the SLI Office. Learn more about Student Leadership Awards and how to nominate a student here.

Outstanding Future Alumni

2024 Award Recipient: Joe Dlugos

Student volunteers who support the Alumni mission of “Celebrating Traditions. Creating Connections."

Outstanding Future Past Recipients
