Matthew Barens

- BS Mechanical Engineering 2005
Why did you choose Michigan Tech?
My parents are both from the east end of the UP and I spent a lot of time visiting "the yoop" . During my childhood. I knew I wanted to be an engineer since a young age, and after visiting Tech during a summer family camping trip in 7th grade I knew where I was supposed to be.
Tell us about a memorable experience you had with a class or about a favorite professor
Vibrations with Van Karsen. His real world application examples were the best and it's an interesting subject that I've had to go back to many times during my career.
Now, how about a memorable experience outside of class?
Mudding with the Four Wheelers!
How well did Michigan Tech prepare you for your career?
I've never had any doubts about my ability to handle a challenge that was presented to me. Many of my friends are MTU grads and we've all been fortunate that our education has prepared us well.
What was your first job after graduation and how has your career progressed?
I started as a Process Engineer in the Faucet Industry, then to a corporate role traveling the world fixing Manufacturing Problems and have since progressed into a Quality Management role in Automotive with a team of about 40 people.
Tell us about a few of your career highlights and notable achievements
The best time of my career was my time as an internal corporate Continuous Improvement consultant. I was able to visit about 20 countries on four continents solving manufacturing problems and making friends along the way.
Please tell us why you share your time, talent, and treasure to support Michigan Tech students and/or alumni or volunteer in your community.
I enjoy getting together with alumni to discuss their time at Tech and how it has shaped their lives. Some of the older alumni have the best stories!
What advice on being successful would you give to Tech students and young alumni?
Study hard, get experience via Co-ops, and never hesitate to take on a challenge.