Ryan Davis

Ryan Davis is a 2003 materials science and engineering masters, and bachelors of chemistry in 2003 from Michigan Tech. With his education he has gone on to pursue titles such as “Application Engineer” and “Metallurgical Engineer” for companies such as Arconic and AK Steel. During his time at Tech he participated in Greek Life as well as being a part of Leadershape and a chemistry learning center coach.
Why did you choose Michigan Tech?
It was a chance to experience something different.
Please tell us about a memorable experience you had during your time at Tech.
380" of snowfall during my freshman year.
How well did Michigan Tech prepare you for your career?
Extremely well.
What was your first job after graduation and how did you secure it?
Worked as a Materials Engineer after completing Master's Degree.
Tell us about a few of your career highlights and notable achievements.
Working with a diverse group of aerospace and space customers.
What advice on being successful would you give to Tech students and young alumni?
Work hard, stay curious and never settle, and use your network.