Ivo Dinov

Ivo Dinov
  • MS Mathematics 1993

Ivo Dinov '93 chose Michigan Tech because of the “Outstanding technical curricula, exceptional reputation (globally), scholarships opportunities, and faculty expertise.”

Dinov says one of his most memorable experiences at Michigan Tech was Winter Carnival. “The student efforts on the ice sculptures—unforgettable!”.

After graduating from Michigan Tech Dinov went to Florida State University (MS in Statistics '98 and PhD in Math '98). Following a three-year postdoc in neuroscience at UCLA, in 2001, he joined the faculty in the Department of Statistics (UCLA), where he remained on a joint appointment with Neurology until 2013. He moved to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2013, where he is currently a professor of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences, and Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics. In addition, Dinov directs the Statistics Online Computational Resource for University of Michigan and UCLA, which has over 15 million users worldwide since 2002. He is also an associate director for Education and Training at the Michigan Institute for Data Science at the University of Michigan.

“Tech provided a nurturing learning environment. Faculty and research projects built my core foundational science expertise that my entire career has been based on. The University provides plenty of opportunities to explore, test, tinker, and find students' passions that realize their unique talents!”

Dinov’s advice to students is: “As a Tech graduate, you represent an incredible academic pedigree. Make your mentors proud. Work hard. You are competing with the entire world—all 8 billion of us!”

When asked about his philosophy on life, Dinov responded: “There are three pillars of success: dedication and hard work, ambient environment, and stochastic serendipity. Each one of us is fully in charge of number one. Tech provides number two. The last one, number three, is unpredictable. To increase your success in life and leave a positive mark, each student should try a number of things (to leverage the impact of serendipity), channel their energy into constructive and creative activities (show dedication), and make the best of their experience at Tech (utilize the unique Tech environment).”

Learn more about Ivo here: www.socr.umich.edu/people/dinov/

May 24, 2018
