Ellen Nelson

- BS Scientific and Technical Communication 1979
Why did you choose Michigan Tech?
I saw MTU, U of M and MSU at my high school college night. I am not sure I had even heard of Michigan Tech before. But the spirit and enthusiasm of the MTU presenters and the challenge -- both academically and physically -- of going to Michigan Tech sold me on the spot.
Tell us about a memorable experience you had with a class or about a favorite professor
I started MTU needing to complete HS Algebra. I had Mr. Barman as my instructor and he watched me struggle through the course. I later changed majors and took all of the required calculus classes and finally got to differential equations. I sat in the front row on the first day of class. Mr. Barman walked in, saw me, and said, "Ellen, how did you get here?" and I said, "It took a lot of work!"
Now, how about a memorable experience outside of class?
I met my husband!
How well did Michigan Tech prepare you for your career?
I had a job at MTU with Charlie Eshbach as a student photographer. That experience, combined with my STC classes were the foundation for what I am doing today.
What was your first job after graduation and how has your career progressed?
After receiving my STC degree, my first job was as a media specialist for a vocational school in Norman, Oklahoma. Since then, I have worked as a reporter, photographer, senior editor, petroleum engineer (that's what happens when you hang out with engineers; it inspired me to finish the engineering degree I had started at MTU) and more photography. I now have my own business as a writer/editor/photographer.
Tell us about a few of your career highlights and notable achievements
I have received numerous photographic awards, shot many magazine covers and recently completed my CPP --certified professional photographer -- an achievement that less than 2500 photographers have earned worldwide. I am currently working on my Master of Photography and my photographic pieces are hanging in four galleries. I finished my novel, "A Sticky Situation," published a limited edition and will soon complete the necessary edits to publish a second run.
Please tell us why you share your time, talent, and treasure to support Michigan Tech students and/or alumni or volunteer in your community.
Michigan Tech's spirit that I sensed as a high school student still exists to this day. MTU is constantly moving forward, which inspires me to stay ahead of the game.
What advice on being successful would you give to Tech students and young alumni?
Embrace the challenge.