Leah Enking

- BS Business Administration 2010
Leah Enking '10 is the alumni chapter leader for the Fox Valley, WI area. “I have met so many great people and I love being able to bring them all together to network and also just relax and have fun! I have also helped with prospective female student brunches, new student send offs and a variety of other activities. I love being able to answer questions for new or prospective students, share my story, and get them excited about Michigan Tech.” Leah was also an orientation team leader for three years while she was at Michigan Tech.
Leah chose Michigan Tech because she initially wanted to be a sound designer, a program that was not offered by any Wisconsin schools at the time. For her, it was still close to home and it felt like home too!
After graduation Leah worked for Verizon Wireless for three years. Since then, she has been working for Bergstrom Automotive for almost five years in various different positions. Leah is currently using her business skills to attempt to start her own business.
When asked about her favorite professor from her time at Michigan Tech, Leah replied: “Mari Buche was a great professor. I ended up in one of her more advanced level classes somehow when I switched my major to business. She asked if I wanted to stay and took a chance on letting me! I ended up doing great with her help and guidance. I will be forever grateful to her for that.”
When asked what advice Leah would give to current and future students, she replied: “I would tell them to follow their dreams, listen to their heart, work hard but also don't be afraid to have fun! College is about finding yourself and figuring out what you want to try first! You don't have to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. You WILL change careers and that's okay! You will find what makes you want to get up and go to work everyday. You work to live, not live to work.”
May 24, 2018