Harold Jensen, DE

- BS Civil Engineering 1952
Dr. Harold S. Jensen, a 1952 civil engineering graduate of Michigan Tech, is Chairman of Metropolitan Structures, a major developer throughout the U.S. and Canada. After serving with the US Army Corps of Engineers in Korea, Hal began his career with Brennan Construction Company. In 1957, he earned an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He then moved into urban development work, holding positions with several private companies including assistant vice president for real estate for Penn Central Railroad. In 1970, he became vice president for real estate for Illinois Central Industries. He was promoted to group vice president in 1972. He became a partner with Metropolitan Structures in 1977.
Throughout his career he has been a supporter of Michigan Tech. He is a Life Trustee of the Michigan Tech Fund, serving 13 years as a trustee, including a two-year term as president. He was a vice-chair of the Century II Campaign. Among his honors are the Board of Trustees Silver Medal (1974), an Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree (1979), Chi Epsilon Honor Member (1981), and the 1991 Distinguished Alumnus Award. He is a past president and life trustee of the Urban Land Institute, was founding president of the Urban Land Foundation, and is a director of Northern Trust Bank/Lake Forest, Associated Bank/Chicago and Lake Forest Hospital.
From 1993 Induction to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Academy