John Benaglio

- BS Business Administration 1970
John Benaglio is a leader in industry and has earned worldwide stature.
Benaglio is the Chairman of the Group Executive Committee and General Partner of the German-based Heitkamp & Thumann Group, which owns twenty-three companies in the metal and plastic-forming industries, as well as battery components. The firm has operations in Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America. Benaglio has worked in Hong Kong and Singapore, and he is currently living in Dusseldorf, Germany, where the firm is headquartered. In his sojourns around the world, he has been a wonderful ambassador of Michigan Tech.
He is appreciative of his Tech education, and the University appreciates his abiding support and guidance. He says, "It was Michigan Tech that showed me the benefit of hard work, developed my strength of character, and where I learned the power of teamwork. I have lived nine of the last twelve years outside the USA but the experiences of 'Life in the Copper Country' were invaluable and will never be forgotten."
He has spoken to Tech students about his multi-national business experiences, and he has established an international student co-op program with H & T.
Benaglio brings a global perspective to Michigan Tech as a past member of several advisory groups on campus. He also supports Tech athletics, having played football for Tech in his college days. He was inducted into the University's Athletic Hall of Fame in 2006.
He received the Board of Trustees Silver Medal in 2003, and the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006.
Excerpted from the 2006 Alumni Reunion Awards Program
Updated February 2009
Benaglio is the Chairman of the Group Executive Committee and General Partner of the German-based Heitkamp & Thumann Group, which owns twenty-three companies in the metal and plastic-forming industries, as well as battery components. The firm has operations in Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America. Benaglio has worked in Hong Kong and Singapore, and he is currently living in Dusseldorf, Germany, where the firm is headquartered. In his sojourns around the world, he has been a wonderful ambassador of Michigan Tech.
He is appreciative of his Tech education, and the University appreciates his abiding support and guidance. He says, "It was Michigan Tech that showed me the benefit of hard work, developed my strength of character, and where I learned the power of teamwork. I have lived nine of the last twelve years outside the USA but the experiences of 'Life in the Copper Country' were invaluable and will never be forgotten."
He has spoken to Tech students about his multi-national business experiences, and he has established an international student co-op program with H & T.
Benaglio brings a global perspective to Michigan Tech as a past member of several advisory groups on campus. He also supports Tech athletics, having played football for Tech in his college days. He was inducted into the University's Athletic Hall of Fame in 2006.
He received the Board of Trustees Silver Medal in 2003, and the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006.
Excerpted from the 2006 Alumni Reunion Awards Program
Updated February 2009