James J. Martell

- BS Business Administration 1976
James J. Martell has spent his entire career in transportation, logistics, and aviation. He began his career loading trailers part- time for UPS. He worked his way up to management before moving to FedEx, being their first expat to open offices in Canada. Martell went on from FedEx to run his own companies. Upon selling Smartmail to DHL in 2004, Martell now serves as chair for logistic providers MyUS.com and Protrans International, and is executive chair of both Ameriflight and UShip.com. He is both an owner and a current board member for Transforce Staffing, Quality Distribution, and Baxter Inventory Systems. Martell has ownership and board leadership roles with successful transportation companies, including Elitediverse.com, Easypost.com, Americantrg.com, Gotologistics.com, and BoxLock.io. He routinely advises private equity groups Levitatecap.com, Partnersgroup.com, Onex.com, Oneequity.com, and Apax.com.
From the College of Business 2023 Impact Magazine.