Brandon Miller

- BS Mechanical Engineering 2014
Since graduating from Michigan Tech in 2014, Brandon has had a successful career within
Kohler and comes back to Michigan Tech each year to recruit during the Fall and Spring
Career Fairs. We asked Brandon a few questions on some of his most memorable moments
and what he has taken with him throughout life from DU and Michigan Tech. Take a look
at what he had to say!
“My greatest experience at Michigan Tech was joining Delta Upsilon! DU not only helped
me grow as an individual but made my college experience fulfilling. I look back at
all the memories I had with my fellow brothers and Greek colleagues, and I couldn't
imagine how my college experience would have been without DU. DU helped me get through
many personal and educational hard times and allowed me to not be afraid to just be
myself and lean on my brothers when I was in need! It was always a safe space of like-minded
individuals who wanted nothing but the best for one another. DU is and always will
be my family and many of my fondest memories of Michigan Tech”.
In Delta Upsilon, one of our guiding principles is to build better men. Even after
college I still push myself to be better. Over the past 3 years, I have really focused
on self-improvement to push myself to be better. My first goal in 2017 was to become
more worldly; So I hopped on a few flights and found myself in Washington, Hong Kong,
and even on the Great Wall in Beijing! In 2018 my goal was to push myself to be more
physically aware of my health. So I set a goal to lose 20 lbs and run 1,000 miles
in 2018 and by December 25th I had run 1003.5 miles and lost just over 30 lbs! Now,
this brings us to 2019; this year I wanted to focus on my mental strength. To do this
I wanted to push myself outside my comfort zone and in front of the world where anyone
could see and judge me. As a big gamer, I decided that streaming on twitch would be
the best platform for this goal. I have been streaming for about 4 months now and
so far I'm loving it and it is showing myself that I'm mentally stronger than I give
myself credit for. I owe this mentality of always wanting to be the best version of
myself to my time at Michigan Tech with my DU brothers; they taught me to always strive
to be the best version of yourself you can be and don't let others try to change or
manipulate you into being something that you are not.