Adam Mitteer

- BS Business Administration 2003
- MS Data Science 2017
Adam Mitteer '03 '17 chose Michigan Tech because of its reputation. “I followed the lead of my older brother after visiting him on campus a few times “I followed the lead of my older brother after visiting him on campus a few times while he was there. Michigan Tech had the right blend of technology programs that I was looking for and still afforded me in-state tuition while being 500+ miles from home.”
“One of the experiences that stuck with me the most was while attending classes taught by an MIS professor Paul Aho. One of Paul's sayings stayed with me over the years and has really changed my philosophy of what college could be. I may be paraphrasing, but it went something like: “I’m not here to teach you HOW to program, I’m here to teach you HOW to LEARN how to program”. This stuck with me over my years at Tech and well after. It helped me realize that a class, exam, or project is just a tool to help stimulate us to think on our own and not just a grade/objective to be met.”
Adam started as an entry level employee at Revenue Management Solutions, a company of 30 people and worked his way up as the company grew to 150+ employees. During his tenure he has held Director, VP, and President level positions, prior to his current position as Chief Data Officer. “The highlights of my career have been the ability to bring opportunities back to Michigan Tech. I had the opportunity to hire quite a few individuals out of Michigan Tech and watch them grow up and out of my company in later years. The relationships and mentorships that were forged through this are my career highlights and their success helps emphasize achievement of my goal of hiring at MTU.”
Adam’s advice to students is: “Persevere. Network. Give Back. It is not WHAT you know, but WHO you know that helps you continue to grow in work/life. Get out and meet people and forge new relationships out of your comfort zone. You will be surprised at the opportunities that present themselves. Finally, remember your roots and where you came from. Giving back to those roots does not necessarily just mean money—it means time, energy, avocation, and just showing up to visit or participate.”
Adam Mitteer joined the Alumni Board of Directors in August of 2018.
Updated: Monday, September 30, 2019