Patricia Henderson

- BS Applied Geophysics 1977
After completing her B.S. in Applied Geophysics at Michigan Tech in 1977, Patricia joined Mobil Oil Corporation and performed exploration in offshore Louisiana, Florida, and the Norwegian North Sea. In 1980 she began working for Exxon Corporation in Esso, Norway where she interpreted the first 3-D seismic data in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea. In 1983, Patricia started her own consulting company, Consultants of Tri-D, and as principal and owner, expanded the company into a data processing center as well as large consulting group. From 1987 to 1991, she worked for Oryx Energy (previously Sun Oil) and was responsible for training 150 geophysicists and geologists in 3-D seismic interpretation.
In 1991, she worked for Maxus Energy. In 1995, Patricia developed a new consulting group, which, in cooperation with Schlumberger GeoQuest, brought exploration and production sectors of the oil industry into a total telecommunication work environment. Patricia's efforts were instrumental in the department's acquisition of the GeoQuest software.
In 1995 Patricia established Cygany to manufacture her unique jewelry designs. Since 1998 she has focused her efforts as President and CEO of Cygany to develop gold plated jewelry for pets. Cygany is currently in a period of rapid growth.
From 2000 Induction to the Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Academy