
We conduct cutting-edge research to drive innovation in clean, efficient, and sustainable power systems. Our state-of-the-art facilities support advancements in combustion, emissions, biomass, power transmission, and sustainability. Through collaborations with industry leaders, government agencies, and academia, we shape the future of low-emission, high-efficiency power generation systems.

Key Research Areas


Our combustion lab, housed in the Alternative Energy Research Building, features a 1.1-liter optically accessible constant volume combustion chamber. This facility enables studies on spark plug ignition, diesel fuel injection, alternative fuel combustion, and spray interactions, analyzed through optical and laser-based diagnostics.

Engine Testing

The engine laboratory is equipped with modern diesel and spark ignition (SI) engine dynamometers for comprehensive performance and emissions testing. We also study the physical and biological characteristics of diesel exhaust.


Our emissions research focuses on collecting and analyzing data from diesel and automotive engines, utilizing high-speed data acquisition and emissions measuring equipment in dedicated laboratories.

Biomass and Alternative Fuels

We explore biomass torrefaction to produce biocoal, a sustainable drop-in fuel alternative for pulverized-coal boilers, reducing greenhouse gas and other harmful emissions.

Power Transmission

The Powertrain Research Laboratory houses two 300-horsepower dynamometers for automotive torque converter and transmission testing. The facility is fully automated with LabVIEW and features microwave telemetry for advanced research on cavitation, turbine noise, and pressure mapping.

Energy and Sustainability

Our interdisciplinary energy research integrates experts from biology, chemistry, engineering, and environmental science to develop sustainable energy solutions, including renewable energy and energy storage.

Rail Transportation

In collaboration with Michigan Tech's Rail Transportation Program, APS LABS conducts independent reviews and research on energy recovery systems for locomotives, such as the High-Pressure Heat Exchanger (HiP-HEX) System.

Training and Professional Development

We offer industry-focused short courses and hands-on training programs, ensuring engineers and professionals stay at the forefront of advancements in power and mobility systems.

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