
Short Courses

Vehicle powertrain hybridization is a critical step on the pathway to sustainable transportation. So is education. We specialize in targeted employee training. Short courses can be delivered at your location. Courses can be developed and delivered in collaboration with corporate experts to ensure that all essential content is covered.

Along with the ability to realize improvements in efficiency through strategic management principals, hybrid powertrain systems bring a significant degree of complexity to the vehicle development process. It requires engineers to be familiar with the operation of systems outside their core area of expertise. Our introductory course treats the vehicle as a series of energy conversion processes. The course relies on a mix of lecture, hands-on experimentation using production and one-half scale configurable hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and a complete powertrain test cell. Participants learn the basic operating principals governing all major HEV subsystems before using commercial vehicle modeling software and an operational vehicle property to optimize the performance of a configurable HEV.

Learn more about the Mobile Lab and the short courses we offer.


  • HEV Safety and Architecture
  • Drive Cycles and Experimental Techniques
  • Fuel Economy and Emissions Regulations
  • Aerodynamics and Rolling Resistance
  • Batteries
  • Engines
  • Electric Machines and Power Electronics
  • Embedded Controls
  • Systems Integration
  • Vehicle Modeling


If you need a platform for public relations, product or technology awareness, or for hands-on customer training, we can deliver content and activities by corporate and/or Michigan Tech personnel.

We offer hands-on, short-duration, high-impact experiences in sustainable transportation, sustainability, and energy surety. New activities are continually being developed and can be customized to fit your specific audience and age group. Learn more about what a visit from the Mobile Lab can offer your group.

Options include:

  • Try your hand at hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) gaming: a virtual garage and drive route
  • “Feel” the energy flow with a hybrid electric bicycle
  • Conduct hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing with a real powertrain
  • Improvise with a “seat of the pants” configurable HEV
  • Discover how HEVs are produced in the "real world"
  • Learn how batteries, engines, and electric machines work
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