Student working in the Aerospace Enterprise

The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education is responsible for facilitating the implementation of Michigan Tech's undergraduate curriculum, in addition to overseeing multiple areas on campus.  Review the list below for an overview of the APUE areas.

APUE Areas

Cinoptic Enterprise students working in the HDMZ

William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning

The Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning strives for continuous improvement in both teaching and learning at Michigan Tech. We focus on training and support, and provide personalized consultations for educational technologies and instructional techniques.

Particpants attending the Design Expo looking at a display

The Enterprise Program

Enterprise is student-driven, multidisciplinary teams that work like companies on real-world client projects, whether the deliverable is an innovative product, a pioneering solution, or a much-needed service. The hallmark of the Enterprise Program is the experiential training it provides to students.

Student and Faculty member sitting at a table laughing

Pavlis Honors College

Pavlis Honors College redefines honors education because student success is more than GPA. Within Pavlis, students are inspired to lead, create, and forge their own path to success through experiential learning. They become the next generation of scholars who make a difference.

Students walking through campus in the fall

Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office is committed to providing exceptional service to Michigan Tech while ensuring the integrity and security of academic records. The registrar's office strives to enhance the educational experience by serving students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

Students sitting in a lecture hall during class

General Education

General Education is an important and required component of every Michigan Tech degree.

At Michigan Tech, the General Education program enables all students, regardless of major, to develop an understanding of science and the social and cultural contexts of our contemporary world.

Close up picture of a laptop in a dark room


Assessment enables the university community to identify opportunities to improve courses and curricula, teaching practices, and student life activities, as well as make informed decisions about degree programs.

Students studying in the library

Essential Education

Essential Education is a forward-thinking, student-centered curriculum that allows students to take ownership of their learning and apply it to the complex challenges of a diverse and rapidly changing technological society.